Pending OP Response2 Computer help

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Good morning. Merry Christmas. I tried the last prompts you were asking. Nothing different. I am going to order keyboard on ebay, good idea
Do think I am doing something wrong? You are trying to get into some type of bios like screen? I feel like it's me doing something wrong
Merry Christmas.
I do not know if the keyboard will make a difference.
If you want you can order the one from Amazon and send it back if it does not work.
I am trying to get to the recovery screen.
No BIOS on Macs.
See Post #115 on page 6.
This is what we want.

Is your new desktop Windows or Ubuntu?

I have to work today and I will check back latter on today.
Since we think the wireless pc keyboard works.
For this one you have to be a bit quick. Windows Key, Alt Key, P Key, R Key.
To do this it is a bit easier to hold the P & R keys down
Start the Mac and quickly press and hold the Windows & Alt keys.
So you should have all 4 keys pressed in at the same time.

We hope that it then gives the Mac Chime/Boing
If it does keep holding the keys until it Chimes/Boings again.

Then try Windows Key, Alt Key, R Key.
Remember you have to keep them held in.
Oh man, you have to work!
It is xmas eve here so let me get back to you tomorrow. I will try these things tomorrow. thanks much for your effort through holidays!
my new computer is Ubuntu, I think I completely wiped out windows on it.