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Installing Unlocker and Adding it to the Right-Click Menu Malnutrition
Install unlocker and add to context menu to easily delete stubborn files.
Computer Optimization Batch File. Malnutrition
Speeds up operation of a windows computer by disabling un needed software components.
Service Manager Malnutrition
Service Manager 2024-11-18
Allows for easy management of services on a windows computer.
How to Enable Drag and Drop in Windows Malnutrition
Quicly enable drag and drop function across all applicatios that support drag drop function.
Windows 10 Default service Configuration. Malnutrition
Windows 10 Default service configuration, and batch file to set it as such.
PCHF Assistant By Malnutrition Malnutrition
  • Featured
A Tool that performs various task and downloads tools for PC Help.
Powercfg Commands Malnutrition
Powercfg commands and examplesof thier usage.
Start Your Game Or Browser With As Many Cores As You Want. Malnutrition
A quick guide to show you how to start any program with as many cores as you wish.
Ten Useful WMIC Commands. Malnutrition
A brief look at WMIC Commands, and examples of thier use.
How To Create A Zipped MiniDump Folder With A Batch File. Malnutrition
Easy guide to zip your minidump files for your helper.
Replace neofetch with fastfetch jmarket
A better faster more customizable solution for neofetch