To free up resources when you want on demand:
Download KillEmAll
Download Reduce Memory
Unzip them both to your desktop.
Right click an empty space on your desktop
Create a new folder
Name it tools.
Drag KillEmAll.exe & ReduceMemory_x64.exe
Into the new folder named tools.
Right Click desktop create new text document.
right click rename it KillEmAll_Allowed.txt
Then open command prompt >>>>>>>>
tasklist > "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\tasklist.txt"
Here you will find the short command for your browser for example firefox.exe
Paste firefox.exe into KillEmAll_Allowed.txt
Save it drop it in the tools folder.
Kill Em all will not stop any process that is listed in Killemall_Allowed, the processes must be added here one per line.
Now create a batch file.
Open a notepad and copy the entire content of the code box below.
Do not copy the word code!
Paste the txt into the notepad. Save the file to your desktop as kill.bat
Now you will right click the on kill.bat and run as administrator.
Drag Kill.bat to the tools folder.
Now drag the tools folder to your documents folder.
Tools should contain: ( Kill.bat --- KillEmAll_Allowed.txt --- KillEmAll.exe --- ReduceMemory_x64.exe )
Last you will create one final batch file:
This will add the ability to run this batch file to your right click menu
You can after following these steps, right click on a blank space on your desktop
Then select run kill batch
This will execute killemall and it will kill all processess except your browser in my case firefox.exe
or you can add whatever you want to the KillEmAll_Allowed.txt to not be stopped when running the kil batch file,
Reducememory will free up the memory of the programs that were killed.
Open a notepad and copy the entire content of the code box below.
Do not copy the word code!
Paste the txt into the notepad. Save the file to your desktop as Addtorightclick.bat
Now you will right click the on Addtorightclick.bat and run as administrator.
That is it, you can now right click an empty space on your desktop and run the kill batch, this will free up resources on demand
To resolve the explorer issue:
Download the attached batch file, unzip save to desktop.
Right click run as admin
Content of batch.
For the Track Pad, Click Here
Download KillEmAll
Download Reduce Memory
Unzip them both to your desktop.
Right click an empty space on your desktop
Create a new folder
Name it tools.
Drag KillEmAll.exe & ReduceMemory_x64.exe
Into the new folder named tools.
Right Click desktop create new text document.
right click rename it KillEmAll_Allowed.txt
Then open command prompt >>>>>>>>
tasklist > "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\tasklist.txt"
Here you will find the short command for your browser for example firefox.exe
Paste firefox.exe into KillEmAll_Allowed.txt
Save it drop it in the tools folder.
Kill Em all will not stop any process that is listed in Killemall_Allowed, the processes must be added here one per line.
Now create a batch file.
Open a notepad and copy the entire content of the code box below.
Do not copy the word code!
Paste the txt into the notepad. Save the file to your desktop as kill.bat
Now you will right click the on kill.bat and run as administrator.
@echo off
%userprofile%\Documents\tools\KillEmAll.exe /auto
%userprofile%\Documents\tools\ReduceMemory_x64.exe /O
Now drag the tools folder to your documents folder.
Tools should contain: ( Kill.bat --- KillEmAll_Allowed.txt --- KillEmAll.exe --- ReduceMemory_x64.exe )
Last you will create one final batch file:
This will add the ability to run this batch file to your right click menu
You can after following these steps, right click on a blank space on your desktop
Then select run kill batch
This will execute killemall and it will kill all processess except your browser in my case firefox.exe
or you can add whatever you want to the KillEmAll_Allowed.txt to not be stopped when running the kil batch file,
Reducememory will free up the memory of the programs that were killed.
Open a notepad and copy the entire content of the code box below.
Do not copy the word code!
Paste the txt into the notepad. Save the file to your desktop as Addtorightclick.bat
Now you will right click the on Addtorightclick.bat and run as administrator.
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
SET KILL_BATCH_PATH="%USERPROFILE%\Documents\tools\kill.bat"
SET KEY="HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\KillBatch"
SET COMMAND="HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\KillBatch\command"
reg add %KEY% /t REG_SZ /d "Run Kill Batch" /f
reg add %COMMAND% /t REG_SZ /d "!KILL_BATCH_PATH!" /f
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
start explorer.exe
exit /b
To resolve the explorer issue:
Download the attached batch file, unzip save to desktop.
Right click run as admin
Content of batch.
@echo off
reg add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v ShowRecent /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
reg add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v ShowFrequent /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
start explorer.exe
For the Track Pad, Click Here
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