LOW fps on PUBG with a new gaming laptop

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PCHF Member
Sep 3, 2017
My laptop (student/gaming) came in yesterday and I quickly bought PUBG, because my other laptops were pretty bad for gaming.
Is there any way to boost my fps or graphics with specific settings? Or is it normal that I only get a max of 30fps (settings on very low). I know PUBG isn't optimized yet, but I hope there is a way to boost it up to 60+.
My specs are:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz

Video Card
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

Video Card #2
Intel(R) HD Graphics 630

8.0 GB

Operating System
Microsoft Windows 10 (build 15063), 64-bit
Welcome to PCHF Ward,

Not a gamer myself so another member may be best placed to help you and just a couple of observations from me really.

You are using really low settings so try different settings to see what happens, if no change, as PUBG is an online game check that something is not slowing down your internet connection.

Edit to add: Make sure that when gaming your GTX 1050 is being used and not the Intel HD 630, the latter should only be used when the computer is not under any load, this to reduce power consumption and heat.
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