Pending OP Response Mouse lagging

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You're using multiple monitors of varying refresh rates- if you plug them in separately does the issue follow one of the monitors or cords?

It is a pretty well known issue that varying refresh rates/resolutions can cause strange issues- I didn't follow in your postings if this is something you had assessed or not.
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I'm using 2 monitors, main (144hz display port), second (75hz HDMI). If I put both at 60hz or 75hz mouse lag still there, if I disconnect the HDMI cable from second monitor mouse lag is gone, if I disconect both and put HDMI on either one of the monitors without the other one, mouse lag comes back, any time HDMI is being used in any monitor, any hz, mouse lag comes back. But when I'm only using the display port on main and second one is off, mouse lag is gone. So pretty much at any setting that I'm actively using HDMI mouse lag is there.