Solved Forever to Wake Up

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No worries, post 149 from Saturday we created a restore point.

From that log.

SystemRestore: On => completed
Restore point was successfully created.

So you can restore to then, easily.
So long as you can recover it you will now be free of onedrive.
You mentioned. In post 32 that you could live without onedrive so I assumed you were ok and understood what removing it would entail.
Also post 128
So I assumed you were wanting to rid the machine of it...

Best step would be to add Safemode to Right Click Menu
Right click empty space on desktop.
Boot to safe mode.
Trouble shoot
Advanced system options
System restore.
Yes, I think it would be good if we can remove all the content from OneDrive/CPM/New Folder and promote it to the parent folder. I bought the computer right before that internship and the CPM tech seems to have done something permanent to my computer in connecting it to their system.

I'll work on the restore tomorrow morning or during the day.
Best step would be to add Safemode to Right Click Menu
I made the batch file but there is not an option to run as admin.
The location address of the .bat file in Properties suggests that OneDrive may not have been deleted.

Also, you seem to have suggested multiple options for restoring the files. I'm assuming that the directions in post 182 are your the most recommended, yes?


Looking at post 149 it is not clear what to do. Do I run FRST and the Fix log again? Will this restore the files to the restore point? Where do I paste the two lines of code in the quotation box?
Download it from here, unzip to desktop.
Right click run as admin.
Right click empty space on desktop.
Boot to safe mode.
Trouble shoot
Advanced system options
System restore.
Delete what you have on the desktop the boot to safe mode.

Download it from here, unzip to desktop.
Right click run as admin.
Right click empty space on desktop.
Boot to safe mode.
Trouble shoot
Advanced system options
System restore.
I followed the directions above twice but didn't proceed because of two concerns:
1. Windows Alert: System Restore does not affect any of your documents, pictures, or other personal data. Recently installed programs or drivers might be uninstalled.

Does this mean that it won't restore the missing files?

2. The system restore point listed is after the operation that erased everything:
1/23/25Automatic Restore pointSystem
1/15/25Windows Modules InstallerInstall
1/15/25Windows Modules InstallerInstall
1/15/25Windows Modules InstallerInstall

Let me know how to proceed.
About 4hrs to restore. Nothing looks different.
No Documents folder, no docs anywhere (except in Downloads, Apps & Programs).

I am able to retrieve some files from OneDrive online. It is very inconsistent.
I’m not sure what else can be done here. Get what you can from one drive online.
OneDrive doesn't have everything. It seems to be inconsistent in what it backed up. There are many financial, work and graduate school school files that were erased, as well as years of pictures and videos.

We used over a dozen apps and scans that created logs. I noticed several made restore points. Can we use an earlier one to see if we get different results?
Two more things:
1. Windows wants to update upon a restart. Should I go along with that, or would that interfere somehow with a future attempt to Restore?
2. Zoom again is unable to access the microphone and camera and I am unable to grant access to them in Settings.


Yes try an earlier restore point.Also everything search engine.

What folder was actually deleted. You only deleted one drive. Only the onedrive folder should have been affected, which you have access to to download.

According to post 184 onedrive isn’t even gone.

Perhaps just the cpm folder. Search cpm in everything search.
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I remember reading "restore point created" in the various logs, but I don't remember which ones. Do you? Otherwise, I'll have to go through all the posts and look at the logs I posted.
Open your restore points and screen shot what you have. Also you have google drive and mention backing up to it. Are there none of these pictures located there.

You did the restore and now the kill batch works, and the issue with the app microphone is back but pictures are gone.
OneDrive doesn't have everything. It seems to be inconsistent in what it backed up. There are many financial, work and graduate school school files that were erased, as well as years of pictures and videos.

We used over a dozen apps and scans that created logs. I noticed several made restore points. Can we use an earlier one to see if we get different results?

Just to butt in here.....

OneDrive (online) has a Recycle Bin, so check in there if files/folders are missing.

Also, don't mistake Restore Points for backups. Two completely different things.
Restore Points ONLY backs up the Registry and a handful (literally) of system files - enough to use if a system update, like a driver install, goes pear-shaped.
They do not include any personal files or software.
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Open your restore points and screen shot what you have.
It seems we had installed something that enabled me to simply right-click and reboot into Safe Mode. I don't see any way to go into Safe mode now.

Also you have google drive and mention backing up to it. Are there none of these pictures located there.
I have manually backed up many things to Google Drive, but they are mostly related to my previous job.
My iPhone pictures are all backed up to Google Photos. The laptop pictures predate the Google Photos. They've been transferred from computer to computer as I've upgraded.

You did the restore and now the kill batch works, and the issue with the app microphone is back but pictures are gone.
Kill doesn't work because the restore deleted everything on the Desktop where all the .exe's you sent me were located, and the My Documents folder which contained the Tools folder. I can go in the posts and download Kill and recreate the batch file, if necessary.

Yes, mic and camera settings have somehow been changed so that Zoom cannot access them. Another program works that records sounds coming through the soundcard but that doesn't use the external mic. Also, I used Zoom last night and was able to hear everyone in the meeting.

Yes, everything in the Windows My Pictures, My Documents and Desktop folders is gone. The Downloads folder has stuff but I don't know how current it is.
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