Pending OP Response Everything spiking when playing games such as watch dogs 2

  • Hi there and welcome to PC Help Forum (PCHF), a more effective way to get the Tech Support you need!
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How have things been going with the PC.
It's been running better, Thank you! There have still been problems though, such as the SSD still has been reaching 100%. When I was playing Roblox, and tried to use edge at the same time, I checked task manager as edge wasn't loading properly, and saw that the SSD usage was maxed out at 100%. When I was playing Roblox, I also noticed that whenever there was a map change in games, the game would freeze, this happened over multiple Roblox games too. Other than that, I was able to play Roblox quite well without any interruptions, and it was running well, except for little moments such as the ones mentioned
I was able to play Roblox quite well without any interruptions, and it was running well, except for little moments such as the ones mentioned
This is an improvement for sure. The following is not meant to be mean or snarky but these "symptoms" are typical in PC's with lower hardware specs.
My Daughter has a lower-spec machine and I see these exact behaviors while she plays Roblox or Fortnight.

Although the 1080 was a beast back in its prime, not so much today, coupled with the i5 CPU and the SATA interface for the SSD, you are limited in the scope of performance.

We can close this topic if you feel you're in a satisfactory position. We can re-open it if you need to. Send one of us a DM by hovering over our name/avatar and choosing, send a direct message.

Thanks for your patience and following directions, it makes it easier for all of us.
Does this mean that I won't be able to run games like watch dogs 2 / I'd have to play on low settings? Also, I'm satisfied with where I'm at right now. I appreciate all the help that's been given
Does this mean that I won't be able to run games like watch dogs 2 / I'd have to play on low settings?
You are right at the recommended settings and probably have to turn down some GPU settings. Always check your Nvidia driver settings in the global section. For instance, if you have settings in the game, the Nvidia driver settings may override the game settings. The Nvidia Driver settings should be set to "let the application decide".

You are connected to the internet
Connected through: TP-Link Wireless USB Adapter
Adapter Type: IEEE 802.11 wireless

If I may just chime in momentarily, wireless gaming is never the best and if you look at your last Speccy report you will see how many Internet related System Process there are being queried. this is a bottleneck, also worth a mention are the further away from the router you are and the more devices that are connected to it the weaker any wireless signal is.
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Yeah I know wireless is worse than wired, but I have no choice but to use it. My pc is upstairs and my router is downstairs, currently I have no way to get a LAN cable up to my room, as my mum wont allow me to drill a hole in the floor.
Um, sorry to be a bother, but I've just tried playing watch dogs 2, put the graphics quality to just high, as when i use recommended settings it puts it on ultra, so i put the graphics down to high. As soon as I loaded in, the SSD maxed to 100%, and I got a BSOD with the code: CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED

For Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 7, and Windows Vista systems only!
The BSOD App will run on both x64 (64-bit) and x86 (32-bit) systems.
Version Information
Please ensure that you download SysnativeFileCollectionApp version 5.0.3 if you are using Windows 10 or Windows 11.
Please note that this is not digitally signed yet and therefore your security software may report it as being malicious or unsafe to run.

  1. If your PC (aka machine) is unable to create minidumps or full kernel dumps, read: MS Docs: Configure system failure and recovery options in Windows

  2. Download the BSOD Collection Application (click) and save it to Desktop folder.

  3. Run the app
    Double-click on the downloaded EXE file. Please be patient until it finishes.
    For more information, read here:
    Read More:
    Output of the app:
    - New folder created in %localappdata% which will be automatically deleted after being zipped: SysnativeFileCollectionApp
    - A zipped version:
    Add this zip file to your next post, please.

Heres the zip:
Its also skipped these:


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Ok open an elevated powershell. In the prompt copy and paste this script in it.

Rich (BB code):
# Set variables for source directories and destination
$sourceDirs = @("C:\Windows", "C:\Windows\MiniDump")
$desktopPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")
$zipFile = "$desktopPath\DumpFiles_$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd_HHmmss').zip"
$tempFolder = "$env:TEMP\DumpFiles_Temp"

# Create temporary folder if it doesn't exist
if (-not (Test-Path $tempFolder)) {
    New-Item -Path $tempFolder -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

# Array to store found dump files
$dumpFiles = @()

# Search for dump files in both directories
foreach ($dir in $sourceDirs) {
    if (Test-Path $dir) {
        # Look for .dmp and .mdmp files
        $dumpFiles += Get-ChildItem -Path $dir -Recurse -Include "*.dmp","*.mdmp" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# Check if any dump files were found
if ($dumpFiles.Count -eq 0) {
    Write-Host "No dump files found in the specified locations." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Remove-Item $tempFolder -Force

# Copy dump files to temporary folder
Write-Host "Found $($dumpFiles.Count) dump files. Copying to temporary folder..." -ForegroundColor Green
foreach ($file in $dumpFiles) {
    Copy-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination $tempFolder -Force

# Create zip file
Write-Host "Creating zip file at: $zipFile" -ForegroundColor Green
Compress-Archive -Path "$tempFolder\*" -DestinationPath $zipFile -Force

# Clean up temporary folder
Write-Host "Cleaning up temporary files..." -ForegroundColor Green
Remove-Item $tempFolder -Recurse -Force

# Verify zip file creation
if (Test-Path $zipFile) {
    Write-Host "Dump files successfully compressed to: $zipFile" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "Total size: $("{0:N2}" -f ((Get-Item $zipFile).Length/1MB)) MB" -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
    Write-Host "Error: Zip file creation failed." -ForegroundColor Red

This will create a zip file on your desktop, so please upload it.

What this will do is grab the new dump files without having to re-run the Sysnative app again.
Script written with the help of Grok.
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