Solved ASUS USB-AC68 won't stay connected

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Also, due to this error.

Error: (12/12/2016 02:36:19 AM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (User: )
Description: The RunSwUSB service is marked as an interactive service. However, the system is configured to not allow interactive services. This service may not function properly.

  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Double click Administrative Tools
  3. Double click Services
  4. Select the Interactive Service Detection from the list and right click on it
  5. Select Start
  6. Right click Properties
  7. In Startup type select Enable
  8. Click OK
  9. Reboot system
While trying to run Interactive Service Detection I was met with "Error 1:"

Alright, that may be due to the Tool we used at first to disable some services. Another service may be disabled that is required, some services depend on each other. For now lets have a look at some speed test and see if this connection stays stable. Cause if it is working and you are getting speeds that are adequate for your task then we should leave well enough alone. The thing is with computers it is a constant opening of multiple cans of worms.
I am unsure of how to post my results but it was about 5.7Mbps. When it was connected to 5g this morning it was about 300 Mbps

I am unsure of how to post my results but it was about 5.7Mbps.

I posted a link to the use of the snipping tool....

Anyhow, lets go back to the Easy Service Optimizer tool we used at the start.
Place a tick back on default. Then click the rocket.
Note: You may need to apply the setting to the WLAN AutoConfig service; I think it is off by default.
Then try and start the Interactive Service Detection and reboot the machine.
Then test the connection.
Side Note: The static IP MAY be lost during this process, check on that before you test the speed.


Are you connected directly to the router, or a Wifi Extender/Booster?
How far away are your from the router -- extender?
How many other devices are connected to the same network?
Phones Etc. Each item that is connected is going to soak bandwidth and also speed.
A true test would be with all other devices shut off including all phones etc.
If you have many other people in your home then you will never get full speeds; especially from wireless.
No I mean I don't see it as an option at all, I have them in alphabetical order and don't see it

Skip that step, as things may be different in windows 10 I am on a windows 7 machine.

Another thing to consider is that you are on windows 10. There is always some sort of inbound or outbound connection going on with all of the Telemetry.

I suggest that you run one of the following tools.

O&O Shut Up.
Destroy Windows Spying.

Both of these tools will add items to your hosts file, which can increase ping so I would suggest you disable the DNS Client Service.

  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Double click Administrative Tools
  3. Double click Services
  4. Select the DNS Client Service from the list and right click on it
  5. Select Stop
  6. Right click Properties
  7. In Startup type select Disable
  8. Click OK
  9. Reboot system
Are you connected directly to the router, or a Wifi Extender/Booster?
How far away are your from the router -- extender?
How many other devices are connected to the same network?
Phones Etc. Each item that is connected is going to soak bandwidth and also speed.
A true test would be with all other devices shut off including all phones etc.
If you have many other people in your home then you will never get full speeds; especially from wireless.
Also, post a new speed test to see if things are better since enabling the Interactive Service Detection.
While I greatly appreciate the help, this is sadly making me realize I'd rather just replace this and get a different network card. After some research, I found out this card can have serious issues due to its drivers. I thank you and I'm sorry this will not get resolved, I just no longer am interested in attempting to solve this issue. Thank you again.
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Alright, at least you are staying connected now. So I will mark it solved for that anyway. :)
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