Solved Next Best thing after GTX 1060 3GB?

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Brandon Byrnes

PCHF Member
Jan 3, 2017
Okay so here's my specs I just recently built this rig and it was primarily for video editing but now i'm into GTAV and have become obsessed. I am experiancing some stuttering and alot of choppines during cut screens. I'm sure this could be solved by lowering the settings for the game but besides the choppiness the game looks really good. With the last Nvidia driver update it optimized the game for my graphics card by basically maxing every setting. It looks beautiful, but i'm getting very low fps (aroung 65-70) and choppiness.

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600x (overclocked to 4.25 Ghz)
RAM: 2x8GB Corsair Vengance LPX 3000Mhz DDR4 ( I enabled XMP, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything)
Primary SSD: Samsung 970 Pro EVO 512GB M.2 NVME
Secondary Storage SSD: SanDisk Ultra 3D 1TB
PSU: Rosewill 550 Watt 80 Gold Certified
Monitor: My 60Hz 55" 4k TV
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64
Game Version: GTAV Steam version (only have used single player story mode)

All my settings are set to high which as I mentioned before I know i'll have a smoother experience if i lower the settings but I like how it looks now so looking to just upgrade my GPU without breaking the bank, so was looking for the next step up from a 1060, or next 2 steps up. I don't think I'm ready to spend $800 on 1080Ti just yet, considering that's about what my whole system cost to build. Does anyone have any ideas, I'm a newbie when it comes to gaming and GPU's so I have no idea .
okay, well. I pretty much solved this myself, I upgraded to a GTX 1660 Ti 6GB, and realized I was gaming in 4K resolution 24hz, so I took it down to 1440x900 60hz and I'm now getting buttery smooth gameplay, at a average FPS of about 120fps, and the game looks great. So, although GeForce Experiance "optimized" my game for my system it didn't take into account the FPS I guess.
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