Solved Windows 10 doesn't boot or freezes (been working on this for a while...)

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My bad, I meant 9400F Lol. The one that doesn't have onboard graphics.
I'll post tonight with the results from a cold boot, and I'll make sure to make a restore point.
Be careful if purchasing the CPU and MB out of the box new as a BIOS update for the MB may be required before it will be able to recognise a 9th generation CPU, this is something quite common with MBs that are 8th and 9th generation compatible.
I was reading that.. I put the build together on PCPartpicker and they warned of that, but according to the website for the motherboard, it supports 9th gen processors. And upon further reading it says update the BIOS to support 9th gen CPU's... looks like I need another CPU lol just to update.... yay...
Z370 MBs pre date the release of 9th gen CPUs so will need a BIOS update, not worth the efort imo and better to go for a compatible Z390 board.
Too late for that unfortunately. The board will be arriving today.. I'll just have to buy a cheap processor to update it..
I got the board from amazon directly for 60 bucks because it was an open box... another 45 for a cheap processor and it's still cheaper than a z390...
Cold start.
Didn't boot.
Couldn't force shut down with button.
Had to disconnect power.
Reconnect power.
Wait a 10 seconds.
Power on.
Successful boot.
At this point I can`t see it being anything other than MB related and as mentioned in my reply #2 the power good signal between the MB and the PSU, if holding in the case power on button did not force a shutdown as it should do it could only be a faulty button or the MB not responding to an interruption in the flow of power, the button activating the PSU when pressed to power up the computer suggests that the button is ok which unfortunately only leaves the MB :(
The power button worked to power down the computer before I changed the "fast boot" settings. If I turn the "fast boot" on, the button will work, it's just when I press it to shut down, It'll power down then boot right back up again.

And yeah, I'm pretty sure it's the motherboard too now...

Also, on the edit thing, this is the only thread I can't edit in. I think it might be because it was my first thread.
Yeah... I suppose I could just do that.. What remains to be seen is if it freezes like it was before. It hasn't done that to me yet. I may just follow your suggestion and leave it on stand-by mode indefinitely and never fully shut it down rather than buying a new motherboard.

With my wife and I LAN gaming on two PC's I always gave her the better rig with the bigger screen, but since I'm building this new Intel rig (which I call Blue for simplicity), she'll be upgrading to that one, and I will be using the one that's having issues (Which I call Red - again simplicity). Originally my motivation to fix this was because my wife was super irritated when it would act up, but since I'm going to be stuck with it, I don't think it's really that big of a deal as long as it doesn't freeze when I'm lining up a headshot lol. If it continues the freezing behavior, I will replace the motherboard. If not, I'll leave it alone.
Hello TheDiagGuy,

Apologies for not responding yesterday evening, the wife and I had a 70th birthday party to attend and unfortunately I had one more than my usual four :D

Honest answer from me is use the options that you are confident with, trust me I do not like waste, see the response below after myself talking to a younger brother who is very savvy with software and knows my nature very well :giggle:

Subtle hint that I could do with some help, I`ve been having update issues with one of the computers and I kid you not the cumulative update 1903 downloaded x13 times yesterday but failed every time, lucky enough I was at work all day and missed the nonsense, anyways, (strictly off the record ;)) what do you suggest?

The answer I got, you have had that Sony Vaio since 2007 why can`t you let it go, for heavens sake you still have the Vista sticker and recovery partition on it :(
Lol I feel your pain. I'm like that with cars. I have the mentality of "it still runs!"

I ended up having to reinstall Windows on the rig in question because I installed Pro on it and for some reason which I cannot recall, I installed Home on it originally. SO when I went to register Windows with Pro it told me that my motherboard got signed with a Home key. So... rather than fight it, I just reinstalled. UEFI again of course, lol. Learning so much from this experience...

I will post again in the next few days to let you know if it freezes still. It's still having the booting issue, but whatever... I'll deal.
Will look out for your update and good luck (y)

You have the patience of a saint btw :)
Well, to wrap this one up, the UEFI install of Windows seems to have solved the freezing issue, but the MOBO seems to be the cause of the "Cold Boot" issue. I'm just gonna live with the fact that this rig will never boot on the first try cold unless I replace the motherboard. And since the motherboard I dug out of storage is no good, it's gonna be a while before I scrounge up another one, lol.

I would call this thread "solved" as one problem has been fixed and the other has been diagnosed, but opted not to repair.

Thank you so much for all your help. Love this forum.
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