Solved Weird teleportation/lag while gaming (strafing)

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PCHF Member
Aug 11, 2021

Honestly it's driving me nuts because I can't even explain my problem properly as I haven't seen anybody else complain about it. Basically, whenever I game (typically VALORANT) and try to peek a corner 3 out of 10 times I will most likely be teleporting a millimeter to the left or right. I mostly notice it when I press A or D so basically whenever I go left or right.
I've tried showing my friends my issue but since I usually record in 60 fps they couldn't really see it.
For the purpose of this post I amped up my video quality to 1080p and 120 frames but usually it's less and I get the problem regardless of my recording program running or not. Even though my graphics card isn't the best I was wondering whether that might the problem or if I should take a look at something else since I don't want to upgrade it just yet when the prices are so high...

Some additional info:
- I've recently reinstalled my Windows
- I've reinstalled VALORANT
- All my drivers are up to date...

Clip 1:
On this clip it's pretty easy to see that I have the weird teleporting issue before I got the 23th score (second 5-6)

Clip 2:
On this clip it's a bit harder to recognize but right after I scored 11 I'm teleporting a little to the left even though I didn't make such a big step...

My PC specs:
Windows 10 64 Bit
700W Power supply
Ryzen 5 5600x
GTX 970

Please let me know if I need to specify anything as it's one of my first times posting something on a forum

Hopefully somebody can help and thank you in advance :)...

lets start here so other can assist

Is anything over clocked

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

Include the make and model of the Power Supply Unit if this is a Desktop.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.
lets start here so other can assist

Is anything over clocked

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

Include the make and model of the Power Supply Unit if this is a Desktop.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.

Hey! Thanks for getting back at me.

The only thing I've changed in the BIOS were my advanced memory settings. I turned on the XMP profile of my RAM so it had 3000 mhz but I turned it off after a few months. Other than that nothing is overclocked.

My power supply is called Thermaltake TR2 S 700W.

Also, this is my Speccy link:

Hopefully somebody will be able to help :)
I just turned my XMP profile on again but I don't think it matters, right? Because I had the lag regardless of my XMP being on or not..
Not enough drive space on c:

Partition 1
Partition ID: Disk #1, Partition #1
Disk Letter: C:
File System: NTFS
Volume Serial Number: D010BE62
Size: 111 GB
Used Space: 74 GB (67%)
Free Space: 36,5 GB (33%)

Windows requires an average of 32 GB free space and 7-10 GB reserved for patches and updates. The less space you have the harder the system has to work and files will become corrupt. Figure an average of 25% to 30% is good.

The more fulled the C: get the harder the system has to work.

see if this helps to clear out some space.

Disable hibernate

Open an Administrator Command Prompt and use the following command
powercfg.exe /hibernate off

Have more after further review of speccy report.
Not enough drive space on c:

Partition 1
Partition ID: Disk #1, Partition #1
Disk Letter: C:
File System: NTFS
Volume Serial Number: D010BE62
Size: 111 GB
Used Space: 74 GB (67%)
Free Space: 36,5 GB (33%)

Windows requires an average of 32 GB free space and 7-10 GB reserved for patches and updates. The less space you have the harder the system has to work and files will become corrupt. Figure an average of 25% to 30% is good.

The more fulled the C: get the harder the system has to work.

see if this helps to clear out some space.

Disable hibernate

Open an Administrator Command Prompt and use the following command

Have more after further review of speccy report.

Alright! All done.

My speccy looks like this now:

I'm going to hop onto my game now and tell you if I'm still teleporting/lagging in a bit!

I think it has gotten a bit better! It's still there slightly but today it might have been because of some packet loss... So, I'll let you know if I still have it tomorrow or in a few days when I had some more time to test it out. :)
Will also suggest getting a larger drive that windows is on.

glad to hear that things are showing progress.

Okay! Thanks for the tip :)).

I just ordered a 1TB M.2 SSD.
I’ll let you know if it helped but It’ll take a few days since I‘m not home on Saturday.
Hopefully it’ll be better!
That is not a problem as long as you keep us informed we will keep the thread open and unlocked.

With the cleared space how is the system responding?
Hey there :)

I installed windows on my new ssd and did some testing. Unfortunately, I still microstutter ingame... Honestly though, it might be my internet provider at this point. It's been kind of bad for a week now.
I've also tested LOTS of other things to fix it... For example: lowering my resolution ingame incase my gpu is too bad... capped my fps... turned low latency mode on/off... changed my monitor cable.... Ah.. I don't even know anymore it's genuinely annoying.

I might install VALORANT on my brother's PC (he is using WiFi though). But I want to check if he has the same problem because it would mean it's my internet...
What are you ISP speeds supplied?

What are you getting test them during different times of the day?

Do you use a VPN they have been known to cause some interference if miss configured.

Could also depend on the server that you are connecting to

WiFi may preform worse there are more interfering things than there is with wired.

Since you did the install of windows did you do the drivers starting with the chipset first the the diver in the proper order?

Turn off VSync see if that does anything.

Make sure hibernation is still disabled.

With this being a new install windows and other software may be preforming patches and updates which may be causing some of the issue.
What are you ISP speeds supplied?

What are you getting test them during different times of the day?

Do you use a VPN they have been known to cause some interference if miss configured.

Could also depend on the server that you are connecting to

WiFi may preform worse there are more interfering things than there is with wired.

Since you did the install of windows did you do the drivers starting with the chipset first the the diver in the proper order?

Turn off VSync see if that does anything.

Make sure hibernation is still disabled.

With this being a new install windows and other software may be preforming patches and updates which may be causing some of the issue.
My internet speeds are: 150 download and 10 up. I can show a screenshot of a speedtest in a bit.

When many people are using the internet or in my area I THINK the internet is getting worse. Especially if my family is using the TV (connected via Wi-Fi) to watch Netflix or YouTube. Then, my ping spikes and I get packet loss, too.
At nights my ping is usually very good and I don’t have package loss. Surprisingly though, yesterday night or since a few days I get slight packet loss at nights and also slight ping spikes…

No, I don’t use VPN.

I’m from Germany and I connect to Frankfurt servers.

And yes, I freshly installed my chipset driver and my graphics card driver. I‘m not sure if there is something else I should be doing when newly installing windows other than turning hibernation off.

When I freshly installed all my drivers, I installed VALORANT and nothing else yet and I was still microstuttering sadly…
Turn off VSync see if that does anything.
Yes if you are having ISP issue that could be causing the micro stuttering.

Contact them to see if they may not be aware there is an issue.

Run speed test off and on during the day/evening to see how it responds.
Make note of it and if you contact the ISP you can inform them.
Yes if you are having ISP issue that could be causing the micro stuttering.

Contact them to see if they may not be aware there is an issue.

Run speed test off and on during the day/evening to see how it responds.
Make note of it and if you contact the ISP you can inform them.
So, I checked it on my brother‘s PC and he has the same issue. It‘s probably my internet or at least playing a major aspect in my microstutters..

I am going to call our internet provider tomorrow. What I am wondering is how am I going to document packet loss since you can‘t really see that on speedtests… I’ll google around a little.. :)
Hey there :).

I've ordered faster RAM (also 16GB) and it arrived today. My PC is very smooth now!

It's my internet causing the lags... I called them and it didn't go too well. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait until my contract ends. They said that they can upgrade my contract to 1000mbits even though the speed wasn't my problem. I've told them about the packet loss and they said it's because our router is "old". We are paying 66 euros a month for that contract and they wanted even more money for the upgrade xD... Therefore, I'll have to be patient until we can switch our provider in 2022 :)
They why not run off the modem and by pass the router?

If they want to keep you as a customer one would think that they would upgrade the old router to a newer one.
They why not run off the modem and by pass the router?

If they want to keep you as a customer one would think that they would upgrade the old router to a newer one.
It's ridiculous... We already told them we're going to switch our providers then if they won't help. I said that we are not willing to pay even MORE when the same contract is being offered for half the price. They reasoned it with "that option is only available for new customers".

I don't know how to mark my thread as "fixed" since it's not my PC being the problem here :)
Thank you for the help anyway!!
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