Upgrading ram confusion

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PCHF Member
Sep 4, 2023
Hello! I want to upgrade my ram on my Asus laptop but im quite a bit confused because i can't fint how much more i can put in it.
When I was buying the laptop, in the store on the label it said this:

And the model is M570DD. When I check the model on my laptop on CPU-Z it says X570DD. Maybe they messed up or something that's ok. The same thing is written on the motherboard (X570DD). And now I don't know how much ram i can buy or how much speed.
This is the ram that it has on-board:

These are the specs about the ram on-board:

And now I dont know if I should buy 2 new sticks of ram or 1 stick or what kind of ddr4 ram or what speed and capacity. I don't know how much is the max ram.
Check the Crucial Memory Scanner.

Let's get some more information so we can double check what Crucial suggests:

Download and run the free version of speccy.

Once you have ran speccy, follow the instructions to upload a snapshot found here.
Hello! Thanks for responding!
I did what you told me to do.
Here is the speccy scan:
And here are some screenshots of crucial scan:
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Now I can see that the maximum is 32gb I just don't know if there is a speed limit like if I can buy 3200mhz.
First off you need to do some cleaning of the C drive.

Partition 2
Partition ID: Disk #0, Partition #2
Disk Letter: C:
File System: NTFS
Volume Serial Number: 903C4A8E
Size: 475 GB
Used Space: 444 GB (93%)
Free Space: 31.3 GB (7%)

First issue is because Windows requires on average 30% to 35% free space including 32 GB free space for updates, 7-10 GB reserved for future proofing on the C drive.

This is not including and limited to what the system uses for backups, swap page and hibernate files.
I will do that but I'm still confused about the ram that I'm trying to upgrade. I searched online about the speeds of ram and for my cpu it says 2400. I just want to know if I buy 3200mhz ram will it run on that speed.
(My cpu https://www.amd.com/en/product/8336 )
(My Mboard Asus X570DD)
Here are somethings that I found:



if I buy 3200mhz ram will it run on that speed
Why do you want to buy ram that is faster then what your computer can handle?
Seems like a waste of money to me! Same as buying an V8 car and removing 2 spark plugs.
If you buy ram that is not suitable you can cause instability problems.
You will need to check you bios and see if you can manually set the speed to 2400.
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I was just asking because I didn't know if there was a limit for ram speed. So the best would be 2x16gb sticks at 2400mhz speed or 2666mhz because the factory one is 2666 and It's clocked down to 2400mhz.
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