The Ultimate Stutter Problem

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PCHF Member
Jul 30, 2019
So I've had the most annoying fps stutter issues recently. I've tried everything (literally). So it's a normal sounding issue with a seemingly simple fix. While playing my game seems to have lag spikes that cause my game to drop to almost under 20 frames. Last about 2 seconds mostly, every random but often intervals. I'd say I don't go 30 seconds without it. I noticed the gpu would drop load usage from 99%-100% to under 40 everytime. So without writing to much, I've read over a hundred articles tried just about every single suggestion. I've also basically built a whole new computer from it. But the main things I've done.

1.reinstalled windows 10
2. 1080ti upgrade to 2080ti
3. I7-700k upgrade to 9700k
4. Msi z270 gaming pro carbon upgrade to gigabyte z370 Aorus Ultra
5. Disk checks and cleanups
6. Memtest- no errors
7. 3d mark stress test.
8. Virus malware scans
9. Everything else

If you could number your different solutions that way I can respond to which numbers I have already completed to no avail, that would be great.

Ps: the shift button shutdown method seems to temporarily fix it, sometimes for almost a day, but comes back in full force. Also when the game stutters discord matches the stutter. It's 100% not the internet and it doesn't visibly happen in 3dmark or other benchmarks.
Have you seen this?

So I have done most of those things. But my problem is my problem didnt happen after the update it just came out of the blue one day. I think I may have turned on game mode on my old processor like an auto overclock it was so choppy that I turned it off but the problem never went away, which is why I bought all new hardware. I almost have the best hardware out there. I feel if I have to make those little changes to fix it, it's because of a bigger problem. Specifically because the problem has followed over to basically a whole new computer
Extra information

When I replaced the motherboard and processor I could not boot my computer. It would basically cycle on and off once or twice throwing all these random codes out. Before going to asus load screen and freeze during the spinning wheel part. I could load bios fine. 5 hours later after trying everything including bios battery resetting and updating bios to newest, I took all but one ram card out and booted successfully. So I instantly thought ok obvious ram issues so I went 1 by one adding them to isolate which one it was. Cand down to one card I found that caused it to freeze. But before saying for sure it was I then moved it to another different slot and computer still booted perfectly. I then was able to replicate the freeze if I turned my computer all the way off and hit the power supply off switch then back on and then boot. First time it would always freeze and to get it to boot I would just have to shuffle atleast 1 ram car to another spot. So it cant be the ram right? Last part to try would be the power supply?
Please dont quote every post, not necessary

Did you reinstall windows after changing the motherboard, or before?
If you have changed the motherboard After reformat and install windows then you will have to format and install windows again.
Your call, but a hardware change such as a motherboard and cpu will require a fresh Windows reinstall for windows to function correctly.
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I'm gonna install this. We power supply and go from there. If I have to reinstall I will once again
Changed the power supply, tested for 3 days problem has not reemerged. Guess I'll just sell my old computer now that I have all new parts Haha. Thanks for the help guys
Problem reemerged after 3 days of normal gaming. I replaced the 4 x 8gb of gskill ripjaw 3200mhz sticks with 2x16gb corsair rgb vengeance sticks.

Note: ram passed all memtest86 tests. Inside memtest86 I did the benchmark and One of The sticks had a weird and different graph then the test. That stick alone would cause intermittent boot problems. So that's how I came to the conclusion of ram.

I will report back in a few days with results.
That is the next step after testing the ram for a few days

But remember I have done that once. And problem still remained.
You said earlier you reinstalled Windows before changing the motherboard, is that correct?
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