Recycle Bin icon.

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Going by that you should not have to tick/set anything
Thanks. There are many tabs there such as backup tools,repair-main, advanced repairs and advanced tools. Can you tell me which to select should I create a restore point before doing the repair.
Yes create a restore point prior to running the tool. The actual repair recycle bin is repair number 33, run it with those two ticked at first in safe mode, if that fails then Just use it with all repairs selected Also in safe mode. personally I'd run it with all options ticked the first time, but this is your machine. :)


Yes create a restore point prior to running the tool. The actual repair recycle bin is repair number 33, run it with those two ticked at first in safe mode, if that fails then Just use it with all repairs selected Also in safe mode. personally I'd run it with all options ticked the first time, but this is your machine. :)

View attachment 11179

View attachment 11178
Thanks for the help given. I am at lost when I wrote to you this windows repair was working fine, but after confirming from you it was late at night so I shut down my PC for the day. The following day I was about to try the 'windows repair' application, the program after it start to scan check the files and when completed there was an error and could not open the program. I have attach the file for you information and hope you can help.


Thanks PeterOz follow your instruction and reinstalled. This time it run OK , I reboot to safe mode and do the repair most of the selections I have unticked remaining 5 which been selected. After the scan the recycle bin icon changed to empty 'empty recycle bin grey out again. I am now confused what wrong with it, yesterday almost solve the problem the menu selection was OK except the icon always in full.
or create a new user for testing - can be deleted later
Thanks Malnutrition and PeterOz. First I am not using any account password to my personnal PC, if that what you mean if not please show me how to do it if you think required. Secondary regarding PeterOz suggestion I create a new user account and try it. Create some text files and then delete it the recycle bin remain empty and the 'empty recycle bin' menu grey out, you have to click 'open' then delete the files there. I still hope to hear from you all for further help.
If the new admin profile works, you can use this tool to sort the issue. I or @PeterOz will provide instructions for this tool.

Thanks Malnutrition and PeterOz now I am having a big problem after running account profile fixer. Firefox browser could not load and the paint could not save the image it say something could not find user profile something like that. The desktop turn to black background instead and the recycle bin could not automatic refresh the empty recycle bin menu being grey out although files are there if you open it. Can it be reverse back to the earlier profile. Regarding the new account which I have created I tried delete some files, but the icon remain empty it should be full. I am waiting for further help. I have attach the APFLog for your reference.


Thanks for your prompt reply. I am really surprised today of what happened . The recycle bin icon have come back alive yes it now can auto refresh if I delete some files it will show full and when empty it show empty icon. One sad thing is that I lost all the created restore point and all windows updates with my internet provider 100 Mbps it will take a long time to update all. Regarding the Account Profile Fixer can I delete the account in the user account page in windows if so please show me how to delete it as it start every reboot. Today it give another APLog. Will be appreciate if you can help further.
Delete any account you wish. So long as you are logged into your account where you are posting from.
Delete any account you wish. So long as you are logged into your account where you are posting from.
After deleting 'Account Profile Fixer' folder or updating windows updates the recyle bin now return back no auto refreshing. I am not sure whether one of this cause it to change. Do I need the Account Profile Fixer folder which it created and is it normal for it to run every reboot.
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