Solved RAM is causing my PC to crash!

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For the last few days I've been using one single 16GB module in the 2nd slot. I'm not convinced the problem is fixed but there haven't been any crashes at least. I will give it an extra day to be sure. XMP turned off and is running at 3200mhz.
For the last few days I've been using one single 16GB module in the 2nd slot. I'm not convinced the problem is fixed but there haven't been any crashes at least. I will give it an extra day to be sure. XMP turned off and is running at 3200mhz.
Ok so after changing the memory multiple times I can say that my PC is still crashing. I'm running under 3200mhz and looking for any other potential problems.
@Citrus609 - still need help?
looks like members are running out of ideas. :unsure:
So I decided to uninstall a bunch of programs and I also changed a lot of settings within Windows 11. Right now my memory is running at 3600mhz with XMP enabled. I'll give it until the end of today to be sure everything is fixed. I'll update real soon.
so after all those changes, the rig is behaving itself now??? (hope that wasn't a kiss of death)
My PC is running fine now after approx 3 days so I think it's all sorted! I uninstalled a bunch of programs and tweaked a lot of settings to see if it would make a difference and it did! I'm not sure what the cause was but it worked so far. If I don't respond in the next 24 hours we can close the thread.
I uninstalled unneeded apps mostly from adobe and I watched a few youtube videos on the best settings to use for windows 11. I got rid of all of the adobe products and programs like furmark. I had to with a program or setting as far as I am concerned. Not sure why some programs can't control it.
I uninstalled unneeded apps mostly from adobe and I watched a few youtube videos on the best settings to use for windows 11. I got rid of all of the adobe products and programs like furmark. I had to with a program or setting as far as I am concerned. Not sure why some programs can't control

at 3600mhz my system working just fine.
Thanks for the reply and update
Are you happy for @Bruce to mark this as solved?
Yes, the issue has been solved. I think it was due to a certain program or a setting within windows but I can't be sure. I'm just glad it wasn't a hardware issue.
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