Peripherals keep disconnecting

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PCHF Member
May 4, 2023
So basically my peripherals keep disconnecting for like 5-10 seconds and then reconnect without me doing anything. I've tried updating/uninstalling the drivers, changing the power supply, I even removed one of my hard drives to check if it was my power supply that was not powerful enough even tho it is 500W and my config needs like 315W. I'm out of options, this is extremely annoying as I can't game or work properly, pls help :(
g'day and welcome to the forums. (y)

is it just the external peripherals like mouse, keyboard, etc - or internals as well, like drives, graphics card, etc?

does it happen when you start the PC in Safe Mode?

let’s get your complete PC specs.
get Speccy from here;
in Speccy, click File > Publish Snapshot (hit Yes if prompted to proceed with publish) > Copy to Clipboard > Close.
now you can paste (Ctrl+V) that link into your next post.
One component Speccy doesn’t cover is the Power Supply Unit, so also include the make/model of the PSU.

Thanks for replying :) Here are my specs : I've had this pc for 2 years now and I had no severe issues coming from it before that. It is a prebuilt from Altyk (Ik what u're gonna think about prebuilts lol but I got it from a specialised brand bc I didn't feel like building one)

Also it seems to be just the external peripherals (mouse, keyboard and recently, the headset started messing as well) My monitor had problems too but it only happened once or twice. My keyboard also seems to have stopped disconnecting after uninstalling all my usb drivers but that did nothing for my other peripherals (it could also be bc of something else idk).
It does seem to happen in safe mode as well tho wayyyyyyy less, tho the audio is all grungy and laggy but I suppose that has something to do with safe mode itself. I also have the impression that it happens more when a demanding program is being used.

It's also getting worse with time.

My power supply reference is G1-R516G 165-N02-5. 100V-240V 500W it also says *** : 128827 tho idk what that refers to.

Thanks in advance...
that power supply info looks like your PC model number, as in here;
if you open the side cover, the power unit will have a sticker that says the make/model.

what is the Windows version and OS build you have?
to find out, right-click Start, hit Run and type in winver and hit Enter.
tell us the info where it says Version and OS Build.

from the Speccy report, your D:\ drive (the Samsung 500GB unit) has had a temperature exceeded event 23 times.
how is airflow within the case do you think?
check the dust levels on the chassis vents, heatsinks, and fan blades.

are the mouse. keyboard and headset wired or wireless?
try removing all peripherals except one and seeing if the issue happens. for example, start the PC then only leave the mouse in, use it and see if it behaves.
if yes, add another peripheral and test again.

if it is also happening in Safe Mode, you are looking at a potential hardware issue - either with one of the peripherals, or something inside the PC, like memory, power supply, motherboard?

you mentioned you changed the power supply, what was the 'new' make/model?

Sorry for taking so long, a lot has happened, first, there was a windows update and then the problem almost disapeared for a few hours, and now it's like once every hour instead of once every 2 mins and it lasts only a few seconds.

I also couldn't reach to my power supply to know the reference as it is in another compartiment of my pc (ik it's weird) and I need a special screwdriver to open it.

I also checked the dust, there was a lot of it, mostly on the cpu so I cleaned what I could. The fans seemed good but I'll clean them with a cotton swab.

I never changed my power supply, the only thing I modified on this pc is adding 1 ssd (more than a year ago) and 1 hdd (recently but I tried removing it and the bug still happens so it's not the cause).

To go back to the windows update thing, does something changes or resets itself during an update ? Or is it just a coincidence and they fixed the problem I had in the update (Tho it still happens but way less) ?
My windows version is windows 10 family, Version 22H2 and the build is 19045.2846
Since a windows update kinda fixed it should I try going to windows 11 ? It's kind of a dumb idea but maybe it'll work idk :').
since we are potentially looking at a temperature issue, removing all the dust build-up from the air vents, heatsinks, and fans would be a good start.

so yeah, get into that power supply compartment.

if the Windows Update has helped, maybe a clean install of Windows would help more - but it's a gamble. see how the dust removal goes first.
if no improvement, then you need to decide whether to reload Win10 or upgrade to Win11.
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