PC keeps freezing when playing games

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I still have the problem. My PC just crashed instantly without freezing now, which is unusual, but it happened before.
If the computer is a desktop can you post the brand and model name or number of the power supply (PSU).

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.

If you need to save the results as a txt file can you please edit out your Windows product key before uploading the information here.
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By the way I just noticed that when a freeze happens programs keep running, and I can interact with my mouse with objects on the screen, I just can't see anything other than the stuck screen.
I suspect that your problems are caused by being too low on free storage space on the C: drive where Windows lives, see canned explanation below as to why this is bad, as an asides, 120GB is way too small for Windows these days and you will at some point need to consider upgrading to a bigger boot drive, Windows 10 looks to be the last major OS release that has a specific title and instead may just be kept going by major cumulative updates.

Partition 1
Partition ID: Disk #0, Partition #1
Disk Letter: C:
File System: NTFS
Volume Serial Number: AE898C4B
Size: 111 GB
Used Space: 101 GB (91%)
Free Space: 9,47 GB (9%)

For Windows to be able to run efficiently and to be able to update you need to have between 20 and 25% of the partition or drive available as free storage space at all times, if you don`t you risk Windows becoming corrupt or not being able to update which puts you at risk of malware attack.

Data only storage devices should not be allowed to get any lower than 10% of free storage space of the full capacity of the drive/partition on the drive.

Uninstall as many unused programs, games, videos etc and post back when you have between 20 and 25% free storage on the C: drive/partition and we can go from there.

If using a computer and not a mobile phone, please avoid adding multiple posts while waiting for us to reply to your last, edit your last post to include anything that you wish to add, this will ensure nothing gets overlooked which can sometimes happen if a thread has more than one page, it also avoids filling up folks inbox
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And so how can I be sure that was/is causing the problem? I have 14 GBs of free space now and it just froze again.
And so how can I be sure that was/is causing the problem? I have 14 GBs of free space now and it just froze again.

As a starting point you should take on board the guidance that was advised regarding the amount of free storage space on the HDD.

Just looking at a couple of tucks ** in the Windows operating system on your computer, can I ask from where you got the Windows 10 media and product key that have been used on this computer, let us know if you are not sure as to how to find the info and we can provide the info for you.
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1 Drive c: () (Fixed) (Total:111.25 GB) (Free:8.97 GB) NTFS ============> What I told you.
Used Space: 101 GB (91%) Free Space: 9,47 GB (9%) ===============> What Phil Told you.

Seems you only cleaned a half a gig...........
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Yes, because I was downloading some things lately, but now I moved a whole game to my other drive, and now there's more than 30 GBs of space on C... and it still freezes :(

My Windows is not a legitimate copy. I used a safe copy of KMSpico to activate it (I downloaded it from a moderated torrent site).
My Windows is not a legitimate copy. I used a safe copy of KMSpico to activate it (I downloaded it from a moderated torrent site).

While we appreciate you letting us know that you do not have a legally obtained OS as per the PCHF Terms and rules that we all agreed to abide by when joining, we are unable to continue helping you with this unless it is to help you purchase and install a legitimate version of Windows.

3. Support for, discussion of, or promotion of sites offering cracks, warez, torrents, pornography or any other illegal material or any software created to download any of the above. This includes nulled, copied or any other illegal software or operating systems.

Installing illegal software is a surefire way of creating problems, the tucks that I mentioned in my reply #28 refer to the OS having been altered in some way and most likely the registry, on a storage device that has the required free storage space (an empty 120GB but preferably a 256GB SSD) clean Installing a legally obtained version of Windows using the accompanying Microsoft product key and installing the drivers for the MB starting with the chipset first will most likely resolve the present issue/s.
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