Solved New PC- keeps stuttering

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I do not neglect your opinion sir, i dont know what the seller thinks. Im more like newbie in computer section, this is just weird im buying pc with new parts and something is not working properly… do you suggest formatting windows today with clean install or just wait until tomorrow and go to the seller?
Wasn`t suggesting for a moment that you did and was pointing more to the facts that are available regarding the poor quality of the PSU and the slapdash way that the computer has been handed to you.

Just a fyi, the most important drivers that are required are for the chipset and no one other than the manufacturer of the MB writes or provides these drivers and the only time that chipset drivers are available from anywhere else is for older and boards that are no longer supported by the manufacturer, this the reason why you don`t install Windows 10 or 11 and then rely on Windows to do the rest correctly.
I did not understand the part about drivers and not installing windows 10 or 11.
Not sure what you mean and seeing that you are taking the PC back tomorrow it would not be wise for you to do anything yourself at this time, it is up to the seller to put this right or to refund you if they cannot.

Correctly setting up a PC is something that we can explain for you once you have dealt with this problem.
OK, so I will take the PC to the seller and swap some PSUs. If it won’t help then what can I do? Refund whole computer?
The final decision is yours to make I`m afraid but myself personally I would neither accept or provide a computer that had issues.

The Palit GPU requires a minimum of a good quality brand Gold efficiency rated 600W PSU, seven year warranty minimum but ideally covered by ten years, accepted brands are the Corsair RM range, EVGA, Seasonic and Super Flower, you ideally want at least a 650W unit.
Okay and good luck (y)

Remember to keep in mind the PSU details that were provided and whatever you do, don't accept anything less.
I found also be quiet! Pure Power 12M 650W gold. Will it be better? Sorry i cannot edit my previous post.
Sorry for the delay but not around until tomorrow.

No to anything Bronze and stick to the four brands that I mentioned if you can, if not, as long as it is out of the box new and still with a ten year warranty the 12M 650W is okay.
What is annoying me it had to be budget build… and when I watch all budget builds to like 700-1000 dollars everyone is choosing bronze PSUs… :/
What is annoying me it had to be budget build

Budget builds do not have add on GPUs, they only have onboard video which does only need a Bronze efficiency rated PSU.

Weak PSUs are weak because they are made cheaply and this includes using thinner wire, weaker and often chinese made capacitors and atop of this you do not get the built in safety features that you get with better quality and efficiency rated PSUs.

Pay cheap, pay twice, go low, go broke are just two sayings that come to mind, a PSU is the most important component in a computer for three reasons, it has to be able to supply adequate, clean and stable power, you have to be able to trust a PSU in that you may need to leave the computer running unattended for prolonged periods and last but not least, a weak PSU has the potential to take out all your hardware when ( not if ) it goes bang.

Your GPU has a similar power requirement to an RTX 3060Ti and being that you don`t appear to be taking my word for it I suggest that you go back to the previously provided link here and come back to us with what is recommended, I guarantee that you will not come back with any budget brand bronze efficiency rated junk.
@Bruce yes, I have just returned whole PC because the seller had pissed me off with his talk. Now I think I could try building up the PC by myself :D
Budget: 1.2k $.
If you need help with the specs or parts for the new PC, we are here to assist. (y)

Will close this thread as solved and feel free to open a new one if you need further help.
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