Mysterious internet speed issues

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Jan 5, 2021
I have fresh 6 months old self-built PC. I use the ethernet cable connection on my PC and other devices are connected on Wi-Fi to the same router. Normal internet speed is up to 72Mbit/s. I have internet speed issues since earlier today. Here are some interesting facts:

Download speed measured (approximates) on my PC ethernet connection:
- Ookla speed test: 4.53 Mbit/s
- Google Speed Test: 69Mbit/s (no issues there)
- Blizzard Call of Duty game download: 68Mbit/s (no issues there)
- GitBash application download: less than 100Kb/s
- Github repository 70Kb/s

On my Laptop Ethernet connection via USB adapter (Same router):
- Ookla speed test: 69Mbit/s

- Google Speed Test: 69Mbit/s (no issues there)
- Blizzard Call of Duty game download: 68Mbit/s (no issues there)
- GitBash application download: less than 3 MBit/s (Usual max speed)
- Github repository 3 MBit/s (Usual max speed)

On my PC Ethernet connection via USB adapter (Literally plugged the same cable, the only difference is that it's running via USB adapter into my PC):
- No issues there, all speeds at maximum as in the previous test

Ideally, I'd prefer it to work fast without the need for a USB adapter. And if there are any issues with my Network card, I'd like to fix them. I ruled out ISP and WiFi router, as it works fine on other devices. So far what I did:
- Tried to look for Network Card updates in Device Manager - Nothing found
- Reset network settings

Nothing worked so far. What shall I try next?
Also, Ookla speed test has some weird speed pattern, going fast at first and then slowing down, and it's the same every time I run the test:
Screenshot 2021-01-05 220359.png
So other can assist...
Operating system
Version, Build, and Desktop Environment
When did this start happening
Have you tried the speed test on different browsers?

Download MiniToolBox and save the file to the Desktop.

Close the browser and run the tool, check the following options;

Flush DNS
Report IE Proxy Settings
Reset IE Proxy Settings
Report FF Proxy Settings
Reset FF Proxy Settings
List last 10 Event Viewer Errors
List Installed Programs
List Devices (Only Problems)
List Users, Partitions and Memory size

Click on Go.

Post the resulting log in your next reply for us if you will.
Sorry, my bad
OS: Windows 10
Version 1909 (OS Build 18363.1256) 64Bit
not sure which desktop environment, but I can find out if you tell me how
It started happening earlier this afternoon since I stretched the Ethernet cable (a tiny bit, while moving my desk) and plugged a second monitor, not sure if it can affect it
I tried on Edge browser - the result is the same
Thank you and your windows version needs to be updated the newest is 20H2.

not sure which desktop environment, but I can find out if you tell me how
Linux and BSD have several Environments that can be used. Since you are using Windows no need.

It started happening earlier this afternoon since I stretched the Ethernet cable (a tiny bit, while moving my desk) and plugged a second monitor, not sure if it can affect it
May have broken a wire causing it not to make a proper connection. Depends on how far you stretched it.

Have you tried a spare Ethernet cable?

The USB cable that you are talking about is that a normal USB or USB and Ethernet connector.
I just updated to the newest 20H2. The problem is still there. Although I noticed Ookla detects different speeds when I maneuver the cable, sometimes it's 2Mbit/s, sometimes it's 20. I'll try to swap the cable when I get a chance. Although I find it quite strange that when I measure the speed using Google speed test there is no issue.

The USB cable that you are talking about is that a normal USB or USB and Ethernet connector.
It's an Ethernet to USB adapter. I need it sometimes as my laptop doesn't have Ethernet socket
One thing I forgot to mention is that the Ethernet connector locking clip snapped which is probably the cause. I didn't think it was an issue as the speed is generally fine using a USB adapter. Will report back when I replace the connector
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