Help, my pc will randomly boot loop...

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Caleb Komolafe

PCHF Member
Dec 12, 2021
So my pc will run for a while, then randomly restart like 3 times over consecutively, then stop. Then this would just happen randomly all day. I have ran diagnostics, updated all drivers, reseated RAM, used a repair tool to repair everything I could and nothing works. So far all I have got from a diagnostics is a program called 'taskhostw.exe' uses 98.7% of my CPU sometimes. But thats it. I have no idea what the problem is as my PC coulds run for a few hours, then just randomly do it, or it could run for 3 minutes and just randomly do it.... PLS HELP
it most likely is hardware related, but to rule out software, some things to try in order of severity;
  • reboot in Safe Mode and see if it happens
  • create a new user account and log in under that profile
  • reload a fresh copy of Windows
Hi, I installed a fresh copy of windows and the problem still persists. How can I pinpoint the faulty hardware?
take out both memory sticks and the graphics card.
with a soft bristled brush, wipe over the circuitry, and the contact pins on the cards, and in the slots on the mobo.
reseat the graphics card as that Xeon processor will only work with one connected and only put in one of the memory sticks.
trail the PC with that, and if it misbehaves again, swap over the memory sticks and see if that helps.
it may pinpoint a faulty memory stick.
also try the one stick in each of the memory slots.

looks like you have upgraded the memory recently, how long ago was that memory installed?

although it shouldn't matter, your Seagate H:\ is getting full, you may want to tidy that up.
if there are no system, boot files on that, disconnect it as well and test how the PC fares.
take out both memory sticks and the graphics card.
with a soft bristled brush, wipe over the circuitry, and the contact pins on the cards, and in the slots on the mobo.
reseat the graphics card as that Xeon processor will only work with one connected and only put in one of the memory sticks.
trail the PC with that, and if it misbehaves again, swap over the memory sticks and see if that helps.
it may pinpoint a faulty memory stick.
also try the one stick in each of the memory slots.

looks like you have upgraded the memory recently, how long ago was that memory installed?

although it shouldn't matter, your Seagate H:\ is getting full, you may want to tidy that up.
if there are no system, boot files on that, disconnect it as well and test how the PC fares.
Hi, so I have tried all of these but to no avail have they worked. One thing I can say however is that it happened A LOT less with only one RAM stick in, doesn't matter which one. So could this maybe be a PSU issue... or a mobo issue? How could I tell?

Thanks for all the help so far, I really appreciate it btw...
so, yes, the next things to try would be the power supply, motherboard and graphics card.
but to save lashing out and buying any or all of those, is there any chance you can get your hands on, say, a PSU for starters to swap and test?
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