Black screen after update

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Analysing the events log is not something I have experience in.
There's loads of errors but I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for.
Analysing the events log is not something I have experience in.
There's loads of errors but I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for.
I understand. I also said, "That is a topic worthy of another post."
You will not learn how to read those log entries this year. Or next year.

You could export the log or post screenshots, but what we ultimately discover will take quite a bit of time on task. The immediate problem is resolved. Take precautionary action and run Windows Update.

I also recommend placing a password on your profile. It could serve as an important check point if the same problem occurs. "Does the black screen occur before or after user logon?"

It is possible that you will not encounter the same problem again.
You created an image before you proceeded.

What does your I/O look like?
Can we look at the SMART data?
Unable to do an image but my friend said either fix the issue or wipe it and start over.

I don't know what the I/O is and I don't see what's in the link you sent when in Task manager.

The hard drive is an SSD, do these use SMART?

You are giving me nothing to work with. How about the disk activity light on the front of the PC?

Please post screenshots of TaskManager
Processes tab
Performance tab
I cannot boot in normal mode I still get a black screen after the windows logo and the monitor shows no signal
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