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  • Hello everyone We want to personally apologize to everyone for the downtime that we've experienced. Due to the issues we've had, your password will need to be reset. Please click the button that says "Forgot Your Password" and change it. Thanks, PCHF Management
  1. NotPenguino


    So I've had this computer for a while now and the specs are pretty good in my opinion but the FPS I get is laughable. I have two pcs and they both seem to have this issue (The parts are listed below). With League of Legends STRUGGLING TO STAY AT 144 FPS and other games like Call of Duty warzone...
  2. SomeSaucy

    Solved Running games at 144fps, suddenly drops anywhere from 1-20fps, periodically. Please help!!

    Hello there! To sum it up shortly, I have the following: Ryzen 9 5900x 12-core processor NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 32 GB memory + Storage ASRock B550M-HDV Motherboard 144hz monitor. I will be running a video game, sometimes streaming, sometimes not, and periodically my frames will drop to 9fps...
  3. papercuz

    Why does my PC restart when playing games? AIO COOLER Cause???

    I was playing rainbow six siege my GPU temperature was 41 Celsius but my CPU was 60 Celsius. But all of a sudden my pc restarted??? I’m a 100% sure my AIO cooler is properly connected and installed?? I even check in BIOS mode to see the AIO RPM. And it was 3000 RPM. This is a Lian li Gahalad...
  4. papercuz

    How do I control the fan speed or cooler itself from an AIO cooler?

    I have installed my lian li Galahad 360 onto my Rog strix B550 Gaming-a. Now there were two connections: Connect to AIO_Pump which I did on the motherboard and the other is either connect them to Sata of the power supply or Motherboard. This is what the connection looks like: For the basics...
  5. T

    Is my graphics card dying?

    I'm running on a gtx 1070, AMD Ryzen 5 2600, 16gb of ram, windows 10 64 bit. I just recently got VR but even before that I have been having issues in games with things like textures popping in and out at very abnormal distances, shadows not looking right and just becoming dark lines on...
  6. MinkIsVibing

    Pc turn off and on then fans start spinning really fast without display

    Hello hopefully someone can help. I was playing Minecraft when then my pc turned off then turned on but without display and case fans started spinning really fast. I opened the back of the pc and looked if everything was connected then the fans stoped spinning fast and it booted with display...
  7. JensXtian

    Solved My pc turn off while gaming

    Yeah so my pc turns off while playing games such as Vermintide 2, Escape from Tarkov and gta 5 also just the second I load into LoL. I really don't have any idea why, I have recently upgraded my RAM and to an SSD but that didn't help either, I haven't seen it get hot.
  8. O

    Solved Are these temps normal? just installed a new cpu

  9. B

    Two Iconless, nameless programs 'waiting to close' on shutdown

    Hi there For a while now I've been noticing this and I can't help but assume the worst, though its probably nothing. Im good enough with computers (build/upgrade them as a hobby) so I know maybe above average. However, I cant figure this one out. The 'waiting for applications to close' page...
  10. Jaw500000

    New PC having problems with crashes

    My friend has a new pc and its been plagued with crashes. Both (kernal power 41) and ( device HID-compliant headset (location (unknown)) is offline due to a user-mode driver crash). I've done all I can think of and searched other forums for possible solutions to try and help him fix it. But the...
  11. J

    Driver timeouts and PC Crashes to Solid Color Screen

    Hello eyerybody. So I had this problem for a year now and I still don't know how to fix it. Basically I would be playing something and my PC would crash to a solid color with a buzzing sound, when I try to restart my Monitor the screen would get green. I'm also getting colorfull pixels but it...
  12. F

    Need help with wiring on MSI Coreliquid 240R

    Hey guys, I really need help. I'm installing a MSI Coreliquid 240R on an ASRock B550 Phantom Gaming 4/ac (AMD4), and I cannot seem to figure out the wiring. I was only able to get 1 fan to spin, but none of the lights. Here is an album that contains all the photos of the components' wires. It...
  13. Krazyyy

    Keyboard and mouse only works in BIOS and Windows Recovery. They don't even work in Safe Mode.

    Hi! Few days ago, I've discovered something, which happened first time in my life. My keyboard and moyse stopped working. I could see that they work in BIOS and Windows Recovery. That is not because of motherboard, usb port or any related to hardware. I will not answer questions, which are...
  14. mixrogers

    Lenovo Login Issue

    Hi there, I was hoping someone could help. I have a new Lenovo which I have recently been locked out of. There are three login options: finger-print scanner, pin, and password. All three are currently set-up on my device but I’ve only ever needed to use the finger-print because it works so...
  15. iBeBlasts

    Computer keep lagging/Freezing

    Hi, Recently as of 2-3 days ago my computer has been freezing/ lagging. It feels like frame lag when where my will freeze randomly for 1-3 seconds. I have ran Full computer virus scans, i have cleans all my drives, i have uninstalled unwanted/used programs, i have disabled programs that run on...
  16. Jolt32

    Solved is this clock speed normal?

    first time building pc. how do i fix this if its not normal and my pc fans seem to ramp up and down too when starting up an application. and are the idle temps good?
  17. H

    Solved Ram dying?

    Hi, sometimes my PC starts to reboot once or twice after turning it on, but yesterday my pc booted five or more times after turning it on, every time. So i cleaned all parts took everything out and put it back in. My Pc only recognised one ram stick. So i took the faulty one out, after cheking...
  18. Mindager69

    Weird boot with 2 long beeps

    Hello, I have a boot beeping problem, so when I turn on my PC, while it's booting it makes TWO long beeps, then it quickly restarts and boots without the beeps. What is causing the beeps? I recently upgraded my ram to 16 GB and overclocked it to XMP 2 profile for its advertised speeds (3200 Mhz)...
  19. J

    Boot Sector Virus

    Hello, To start off, I know this is a virus without question and I am unable to get into windows or even install it via a bootable drive due to an error message popping up when I get to the copying files part. I've noticed that GRUB is installed on my PC suddenly and I've never installed...
  20. ojasmohan

    Micro stuttering in games

    Hello everyone, so I've been struggling with micro stuttering in my games, most notable in Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War. I'm not sure what the problem could be. I have a i7 9700k @ 4.6ghz and a RTX 3080 and I get about 70-75c on the processor in all my games. At first I thought it could have...