gpu failure

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  1. I

    Solved problem graphics card

    hi everyone i need some help with graphics card that stopped working. i had a power surge in my apartment and when the pc crashed my graphics card stopped working. i have 2 screens, only one lit up and i got the error: "unsupported graphics card - there is a problem with your graphics card...
  2. D

    Will a bad GPU harm other hardware?

    Recently my brother's 4 year old pc has been having a lot of issues with crashing, and he believes it is the gpu that's affecting it. He wants to swap the gpu in my PC with the one in his PC. Will this faulty GPU harm my other hardware?
  3. sashaburq

    RX 580 crashing

    Hi there, I received yesterday a used Sapphire RX 580 Pulse 4gb in the mail, and so far have had three crashes. The screen goes blank and says there is no input but the fans continue to spin and I still have audio from the game. I have tried changing cables, changing to an older driver...
  4. D

    Screen no comprendo

    Hi guys new here, so hopefully i don't annoy too many, basically im having this issue with the pc/screen, after a bit of playing not heavy games, such as fallout shelter or CSS. the screen will have vertical green lines or sometimes just a plain black screen. Im not savvy with pcs unfortunately...
  5. T

    Random black screens persist through reboot

    Hi guys ^^ I've been coping with a really bad problem. I resfreshed my pc, format and new windows installation, and now every now and then my monitor will lose its feed from the computer. Sometimes it goes together with a crash and sometimes I can still hear the software working perfectly. Now...