bsod windows 10 blue screen

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  1. loserbunny

    laptop wont let me inistall amd graphic driver .. atikmdag.sys

    I have dell 5567 gpu intel hd 620 r7 m445 8 gb ram 1 tb storage problem started with me few days ago i dont know what causes it but i keep getting bsods with this error "atikmdag.sys page_fault_in_nonpaged_area" so 1ST thing i tried is to reinstall windows 10 on my laptop .. and now i cant...
  2. Happi

    UNEXPECTED_STORE_EXCEPTION and then infinite loading

    Hi, i need help with a problem that just happened today I was normally using my computer watching youtube until i got a bluescreen with the phrase UNEXPECTED_STORE_EXCEPTION at first i wasnt really worried since i had a bluescreen about that before and no problems after it but after this one...
  3. M

    BSOD, page fault in nonpaged area, atikmdag.sys

    I have been experiencing the BSOD a lot whenever I try to use my AMD Radeon R7 M445, I have tried reinstalling windows tried using different driver software versions but nothing works, now I went to event viewer/windows log/system/ and found these errors that I think are related to this I have...
  4. Exyztence


    Hey! It's me again. I already had a thread in this forum where Phill was helping me. Unfortunately, the problem has not been resolved and I think it is 100% hardware related. I will describe it from the beginning and add some things. I started installing various applications on a clean system...
  5. K

    whea_uncorrectable_error during gaming - BSoD

    i7-4790K @ 4.0 GHZ 32.0 GB - DDR3 (1066.5 MHz) Asus - Maximus VII Hero (Haswell/Z97) Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 W10 64x Months and months ago.. one BSOD. Weeks later, another. Weeks later, another. Then every weekend. Now every day. Can't make it through without BSoD. New OS install W10 64x...
  6. panogv

    Newly built PC continuously crashes

    I recently built a PC with a Ryzen 7 2700 RX 590 gpu, 16 gb ram ddr4 and gigabyte b450m ds3h. As for storage I installed my old HDD (that had windows installed) and 970 EVO Plus m2 ssd. At the begining I booted form the old HDD but despite installing new drivers windows crashed all the time so I...
  7. R

    Random BSOD - Memory Fault??

    Recently bought a second hand pc off some guy. It was working well until it started randomly blue screening. Ran a memory diagnostics test as I heard this could help and it came back with potential hardware issues. I have since removed the affected RAM and re-ran the diagnostics test, and voila...
  8. C

    Solved Need help with BSoD

    I recently built a pc (first time) and after installing windows I keep getting problems when I play games (using integrated graphics). Stop codes: UNEXPECTED KERNAL MODE TRAP (igdkmd64.sys failed) KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED (tcpip.sys failed) DRIVER IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL (dxgmms.sys...
  9. R

    HP blue screen of death loop

    My Laptop has found itself in the BSOD loop and continues to restart itself. It seems to alternate between two errors: NTFS file system and FAT file system. Any repairs I’ve searched invole opening in safe mode but i can’t do that at any point.
  10. H

    Solved System Thread Exception Not Handled BSOD

    I've been getting this error for a little while now, but it only happens when I try and load up a game. I've tried fixing it by updating my drivers but it still continuously happens. Really don't know what to do anymore at this point.
  11. B

    Solved Windows 10 Blue Screen DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL

    I keep getting this blue screen and I'd like to know what it is and how to remedy it. I looked at all of my drivers and they are all functioning and up to date. Under the error message it says What Failed: SynTP.sys, so i'm assuming that has to be fixed. I've goten this error message atleast 10...
  12. C

    blue screen on windows 10 whea uncorectable error while browsing only

    Hi! For two weeks iam having randonly occuring blue screen error (whea uncorectable error 0x124) I read all over the internet it can be caused by hardware but i have ran dell epsa test and it didnt find any error. I figured out it only happens when i use my browser (mozilla) so i changed it to...