bsod windows 10 blue screen

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  1. M

    Solved BSoD DPC WACHDOG Violation, after installing gpu driver

    Hello, so i bought a gtx 560ti and seller wrote he had problems with installing drivers, so i installed it on my test platform with q6600 4GB Ddr2 RAM and 120GB SSD with Windows 10. Immediately after installing drivers artifacts start to show up on the screen, and then Windows crashes with that...
  2. Sree hari nair

    An unexpected I/O error has occured during boot

    When the issue started: My laptop has a dead battery so it only turns on when connected to wall outlet. while using the laptop power went. We have home UPS but there seems to be a slight delay when UPS takes over (lights blink when power goes and ups takes over) and laptop turned off. Now when...
  3. knacki

    Laptop randomly rebooting/crashing

    Greetings. So i had problems with my laptop for a really long time. It kept crashing giving various BSOD or just rebooting without that. I've posted about this before in this thread thinking my problem is solved but it kept happening after that as well. After a lot of time trying to use...
  4. AGenericFool

    Mostly Blue Screens of death, a few black screen crashes

    Hey, so since very roughly about a month ago I am frequently experiencing Blue Screens of Death, with two black screen crashes sprinkled in. The last BSOD message was "Kernel Security Check failure", which happened more than once, I haven't wrote the other ones down, but generally all I found...
  5. knacki

    Solved Frequend BSODs in a laptop

    Greetings. Lately i've been having some problem with my laptop. It keeps having all kinds of different BSOD caused by the same driver: ntoskrnl.exe. I've tried googling possible solutions and tried majority of them (all the windows scanning tools, reinstalling drivers, reinstalling whole...
  6. M

    Solved Need Help: WHEA_Uncorrectable_Error after installing 3080 fe

    Updated the system recently to a 3080 founders edition and getting BSOD when playing games (specifically overwatch, and seen when playing risk of rain 2) System Setup: MOMORY.DMP - WinDbg: Here are...
  7. ZucriyAmsuna

    Solved Multiple BSOD issues and freezing

    Windows 10 Home 64-bit Unique BSOD codes listed below: 0x0000003b SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION 0x0000007f UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP 0x00000124 0x00000133 0x0000000a IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL The system also occasionally freezes without any error logs, minidumps, or anything otherwise that could be...
  8. T

    Solved Constant BSOD on windows 10

    So recently I've been having the BSOD like pretty much 3 times a day now and it's been bothering me immensely. Sometimes it takes an hour after a restart, sometimes like 5 and sometimes it just shuts down within 20 minutes. I've followed multiple guides on how to fix it already and basically...
  9. Mike Oppliger

    BSOD after playing games for ca. 20 min.

    Hi there Last week I've built new System. Everything seemed to work fine, but when i tried to play Games i get a BSOD (whea_uncorrectable_error). Does anyone know what might cause it? Specs: OS: Windows 10 Home x64 (retail bought, build ver. 21h) Age: All the Hardware is brand new. CPU...
  10. Naho

    Solved PC crash when connecting my webcamera

    When connecting my USB web camera (logitech c920) to my PC, the screen will instantly freeze, shortly followed by a BSOD and KERNEL_MODE_HEAP_CORRUPTION error message appearing. I am unsure of what caused the problem to happen, but I think it happened after i reset my PC a while ago. The web...
  11. unbidlettuce

    Solved Windows 10 repeatedly crashes but only at idle

    I'm have been chasing this issue for about 6 months now. My PC runs completely fine during use, no issues at all. Games and operates with no issues, but if I leave it for a few hours or overnight it will absolutely crash without question and gives different stop codes each time. The bug check...
  12. A

    Solved PC Crashes and causes BSoD

    Hi, my PC crashes a few times a day and causes bluescreen when im playing games and im not sure what the cause is. iv tried looking for fixes but nothing has worked. sometimes it doesnt happen for a few days but then it comes back and starts occurring again and again and i have no clue what the...
  13. Brandon Byrnes

    Solved Windows Detecting 2nd Instance of Windows 10 at Boot Up

    Yesterday I installed Windows 10 on a HDD for a friend. I did it by plugging his HDD into my computer via one of my mobo SATA headers (it was a 3.5 inch internal drive so I couldn't do it via USB) I used the Windows Media Creation Tool, made sure to select his HDD and not my HDD which already...
  14. H

    a weird ssd problem on aorus b450 pro bios

    hello guys this is not my pc its from a friend he has a very weird problem we legit tried everything u can imsgine to make this work the specs are following : Aourus b450 pro Motherboard cpu : Ryzen 5 3500x gpu : Asus steix rx vega 64 ram 16 gb ram 3200mhz ripsjaws brand psu 650 watts corsair...
  15. M

    Bsod when browsing web

    Hey I get bsod often when browsing the web but very rarely when playing games or when the computer is under stress it sometimes occurs very often and sometimes i might get 2-4 crashes in a day. I have gotten multiple error messages but the ones that are most common are irql_not_less_or_equal and...
  16. ZvoneST

    Random and constant BSODs

    So about a month ago I started getting BSODs randomly and all of a sudden. I decided to do a clean install of windows 10 on my HDD thinking maybe some of my windows files for corrupted, and I got no BSODs for about a month. Fast foward a month later to today, I started getting them again. I...
  17. Exyztence


    Hello! I had a thread in this forum before and Phill helped me. We did not come to any solution and the BSODs ended by themselves. After a while, they returned, but they were very sporadic, literally once a week. Unfortunately, they are quite common now. 90% of the time, BSOD occurs when I'm not...
  18. T

    "missing operating system" after swapping a secondary HDD

    i have an ssd with win 10 and all my installed programs. i also have 2 hdd's with other files on them. i bought a new hdd, swapped it for one of the old ones, and windows gave me a blue screen. when it rebooted, it just says "missing operating system" even though the OS isn't installed on the...
  19. D

    Solved Blue Screen Crashing a lot, need help as i need this PC for Uni work, please help!

    I recently built a PC from scratch, installed windows 10 via media creation tool on a USB which is fully up to date. The PC crashes 1-2 hours with various stop codes appearing on the bluescreen of death. For example: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED...
  20. L

    Solved Help DCP Watchdog Violation

    New to your forum, sorry in advance. My PC started getting BSOD crashes a few weeks ago (DCP Watchdog Violation). Been through reddit tech support a few times and they had me do lots of system checks, sfc checks, harddrive checks, OS checks, even Memtest, and we couldn't isolate the problem...