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Solved Yellow light on motherboard for dram AND cpu.

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Thank you for opening my original thread! I unfortunately had to go on a trip, but I will make sure to let you know if I will be unavailable next time. As for my current PC situation, I have completed the MB battery step and it did not work. I still don't know whether or not I should buy/order a motherboard speaker, and other thoughts on what might be wrong would be greatly appreciated before I take the risk of using Qflash.
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I plugged in my keyboard and mouse into my motherboard USB ports on the back, and my monitor into my GPU HDMI port. My monitor still says it is not reviving an HDMI signal, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to initiate the POST somehow or if I'm missing something.
Okay, weird things are happening. I turned my computer off and back on again, and it connected to my monitor. But now, it cycles between all 4 indicator lights upon startup, first CPU, then DRAM, then VGA, then BOOT. It only stays on CPU and DRAM for a second, then spends about 5 on VGA, then stays solid on BOOT. I'm not sure what that means, so I'll hold off on the startup process until further instruction.
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