Solved updating Bios

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Sorry but no way around it i`m afraid 🙁

The only 4 pin headers on a MB that are anything like what is required are for power controlled cooling fans and they are not powered by anything near 12V, there is also the matter of software that may be required for RGB lighting, ASUS for example use AURA software which again is not compatible with older hardware.
Great 😡😡 just wrote an email to pcpartpicker telling them the info on their site is wrong. Will have to put new mb in my old crappy case tomorrow. Will let you know how it goes.
Not sure why PCPartPicker still has such old hardware on their system tbh as there is no way that anyone has checked that your MB is RGB capable, the specs here confirm that there is no 12V four pin header on the MB.
Tried booting it without ram (the ram i have is not compatable, typical) all i got was message 'check signal cable' . Tried taking out mb battery and then putting back in fix. That didnt work.
A MB will not pass the power on self test (POST) if there is no RAM in the board.

The boot process is realistically the final part of the POST as Windows can only boot up after all hardware has passed the power on self test at which point the BIOS looks for a storage/boot device that has an OS on it to boot into.
So i need to buy and install ram first?

Also when i power up the hard drive dosent start.

Did you read and understand the information at the POST link that was included in my reply #26, if any item of hardware is either faulty or missing the POST is aborted and you will get an onscreen error message.

If you wish to troubleshoot this latest board or set up can I ask that you start a new thread but only once you have all of the necessary hardware for it to actually boot up.
Good call and you are welcome 🙂

If the board does not have one get yourself a BIOS error speaker like the one in the attachment, always a good thing to have in the toolbox for when troubleshooting.


  • MB BIOS speaker (2018_02_02 10_53_58 UTC).jpg
    MB BIOS speaker (2018_02_02 10_53_58 UTC).jpg
    28.6 KB · Views: 7
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