Open 4090 3d adaptive stress test 100k errors @ 5 mins using OCCT.. advice/help needed. w/ screenshots+sys info.

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PCHF Member
Aug 29, 2024


Hi all, I ran two tests, first picture is the first one that i stopped at 5 mins, second test was also stopped at 5 mins but it got up to 100k errors when it hit 70% workload. The errors start at about 5 seconds into the test. Is this a sign of a bad GPU? my games have been randomly freezing and but still hear the audio, and then after 10 seconds the screen loads images again, or it can also sometimes just crash the game entirely. Happens in WoW and Fortnite (all I've played). Its a gigabye GPU and still under their 4 year warranty (Thank ***!!) This GPU was like 1500$ and is only 2 years old.

At this point I'm pretty sure I'm just going to RMA this bad boy but idk....

I have a corsair 1000w platinum psu, temps dont get hot, ram is new (crashes happened with old ram too), and cpu is stable from tests. this is the only error I've gotten from running all OCCT tests.
Do you still need assistance ?
Yah, updated Bios for Motherboard, GPU as well.. but just froze and crashed while playing fortnite out of the blue... dont really know what else to check or troubleshoot at this point.