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Solved Please help daft old lady

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no files on c and you only have one drive.
I cannot find any answer why doodly won't download again if you can see them on doodly.
What web browser are you using. e.g Microsoft edge, Firefox, Chrome etc.
Do you have more than 1 browser?
Hi. I use Firefox. I can't understand why I could make what seems to be a small error and lose my ability to store videos on my computer - plus lose all the videos already stored there. I think I might have Chrome as well, come to think of it.
Hi. I use Firefox. I can't understand why I could make what seems to be a small error and lose my ability to store videos on my computer - plus lose all the videos already stored there. I think I might have Chrome as well, come to think of it.
PS. What do you mean by I "only have one drive?"
Hi. I use Firefox. I can't understand why I could make what seems to be a small error and lose my ability to store videos on my computer - plus lose all the videos already stored there. I think I might have Chrome as well, come to think of it.
Hi. Update. On the basis of what you said about Doodly, I have almost completed actually making another video. I haven't finished it yet, but what I thought was, I will finish this new one and export it. See what happens. I have re-exported the video I was working on previously, but perhaps if I do a completely new one it will go to my video file. I won't bother you tomorrow as it's Sunday, but I should have finished doing this plan by Monday afternoon. I will let you know what happens. Obviously, if you think of anything else then let me know and I'll get on to it. I really appreciate all the time you have given to me about this problem. This is really very good of you.
Local hard drives (C:\:D:\)
Windows (C:)
DVD RW Drive (E:)

: ) is a keyboard shortcut to insert some commonly used emojies (I've had to add the extra space so as not to generate one myself)
hovering your mouse over the list of emojies shows you the shortcut - like : cry : (no spaces) will give a sad face :cry: .
Please use chrome or edge to see if a current video will download from doodley.

From you posted above you have one drive. It Has partition C and partition D and a hidden partition.
This is how a lot of computers are set up.
Some computers have more than one drive, I.E one of my computers has 5 drives inside.
Hi. You are never going to believe this. I did a new Doodly video and it seems to have gone to the videos selection. This is still strange, but a few minutes ago I have managed to upload this video to YouTube and TikTok. I have no idea where the other video that I re-exported went, but I think something you got me to do has made this possible. The "captures" file icon is next to this video and none of the others are up. When I have recovered equilibrium I will try to use chrome as you suggested. Basically, I think you sussed this. Somewhere down the line it is working. I honestly cannot thank you enough for all the time you have given me and your patience with me. *** bless you, if you do ***. If not, all the best and a million thanks, Sr K
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