Solved Ethernet not connected

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I'll likely not post again till next week, give the replacement router some time, unless this router does the same then it's back to a cat5 cable.....
Hi @Rustys
Youve pre-empted me posting 😆
Its been just over 7 days since I put on the older Plusnet Hub1. I kept all cabling the same, I've had no router restarts, and TV uptime is over 200hrs.
Its not dropped the ethernet connection at all, and everything's been fine. i also reset the DHCP lease time to 1 day. In my humble opinion, this does point to the BT Business hub either not likeing the TV with CAT6 cable, or being faulty, although its very odd it only happened to the TV, and not the SkyQ box thats also connected via ethernet. Only reasoning I can come up with is the Sky box goes into an eco mode overnight. The TV is in a standby mode.
Any ideas on next steps... I can put the business hub back on, and see if I get any issues, or stick with Hub 1 with its woeful wireless performance.
Happy to try anything at this point......
Yeah I can turn Eco mode off. It appears toput the sky box into a deep sleep. Ive still got the Cat5 cable....
OK. Please dont take this the wrong way, but since I put the Older Plusnet router on, TV has not lost connection. This is with the Cat6 cable. What will putting the Cat5 cable on prove. Sorry for my ignorance 😳
The issue seems resolved using the other router., as I kept all cabling the same (Cat6 to TV), so as to try and rule out the router being the issue. Whilst I can continue with this router, its wireless performance is quite poor....
Its the sky box that has the Eco mode. The replacement router was the original one that worked fine but wireless poor, swapped out for a BT Business hub 6, as it has much better wireless performance, but then all these issues started. I thought it was the TV. It now appears it was the router, and not the cabling, but my question was, why would it just affect the TV connection, and not the other Ethernet connections. Odd.
Could be the way the router is configured.

Since there cannot be any configuration change made to the TV NIC configuration then the only thing left is router that is configured oddly some place.
Thanks. The business hub 6 was a pretty standard setup, only thing I changed were the wireless SSID and password so I didn't have the faff of changing all my device's details.... Also changed DNS servers from ISP to Google's.
The only issue with the business hub was it refused to update it's firmware with the date stuck at 1 Jan 0001, other than that, and the TV issue it was fine
I think the only way to test is to get a new router, either another business hub or another 3rd party one.
Like we stated some of the third-party ones may not be combatable with the modem. You will need to see if they publish a list of them to make sure that you get one that does work.

Does the Modem have WiFi capability?
If it does what about using that WiFI if it does what you want and then just get a simple switch and or hub.
I don't have a modem. The router is a combined DSL model. I presume any decent DSL router would be fine
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