Solved Application Crash dwm.exe ntdll.dll - Win 10

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PCHF Member
Mar 2, 2020

recently I encounterd a problem where almost all programms I start crash after about 5 seconds. Searching for a solution I have run the application MiniToolBox. A Log of MTB is attached. For my hardware specs I ran Speecy with this published link (Speecy Link).

Yesterday I had a bluescreen with the Error Message CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED. In response to that I ran the application SysnativeFileCollectionApp with the output attached as a zip


You are low on free storage space on the C: drive, it may or may not be the cause of the issue but regardless it needs sorting asap and for the reasons explained below.

Partition 2
Partition ID: Disk #0, Partition #2
Disk Letter: C:
File System: NTFS
Volume Serial Number: C0786BB4
Size: 237 GB
Used Space: 213 GB (89%)
Free Space: 24,5 GB (11%)

For Windows to be able to run efficiently and to be able to update you need to have between 20 and 25% of the partition or drive available as free storage space at all times, if you don`t you risk Windows becoming corrupt or not being able to update which puts you at risk of malware attack.

Data only storage devices should not be allowed to get any lower than 10% of free storage space of the full capacity of the drive/partition on the drive, this also to avoid data corruption.

Please note that storage devices can physically fail if the amount of free storage space is allowed to drop below the required 10 or 20/25% minimum.
Is this safety storage space for all types of storage devices? Gonna fix that by uninstalling some things I do not need. Thx for the information
Oh sry I forget to report that nothing has changed in my case after I made some space and restarted. Thx for the reminder
Can we have an updated Speccy url and a couple of the latest crash dmps, please use the method below to upload any dmps;

1. Copy any dmp files from C:\Windows\Minidump onto the desktop.
2. Select all of them, right-click on one, and click on Send To> New Compressed (zipped) Folder.
3. Upload the zip folder using the Attach button, bottom left of the dialogue input box
These Minidumps attached are all that I have found. Currently I am using my laptop as a replacement and therefore my Pc is off 90% of the time I am using a computer. Here is the updated Speecy Link. While collecting those files I ran Windows March Update. The system is now up to date. Shortly after the Update I got a CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED bluescreen and with that I have uploaded a kernel dump to my google drive (Link).


Windows and Windows Defender are still shown to be out of date I`m afraid.

29.02.2020 Security Intelligence-Update für Windows Defender Antivirus - KB2267602 (Version 1.311.328.0)
Installieren Sie dieses Update, um die Dateien zu überarbeiten,
mit denen Viren, Spyware und andere potenziell unerwünschte Software
ermittelt werden. Dieses Element kann nach der Installation nicht
entfernt werden.
28.02.2020 2020-02 Kumulatives Update für Windows 10 Version 1909 für x64-basierte Systeme (KB4535996)

Looked at the two latest crash dmps and they were both caused by different things, the latest one is a generic crash dmp that does not point towards a driver issue but more a hardware problem, the second crash dmp which is of no real use was caused by a conflict between Windows Defender and the Realtek network adaptor driver, it hasn`t happened since so that issue looks to have been resolved and possibly by one of the updates that you installed after the crash on January 10th 2020.

Sorry but it is not for those that are helping others to have to download information from elsewhere, please upload anything that has been requested using only the method/s provided.
okay I tried to convert the kernel dump to zip but still the information in it is to large (2.2 G) for the server to attach here (The uploaded file is too large for the server to process.) . With this I have changed my settings to Minidump again to be able to give information on any future crashes. While getting the file converted I ran Windows update again but it says that I have all updates to date. My OS build number is 18363.719 and it says that this version is installed on 20.01.2020. From your post should I assume an hardware error with my display driver crashing every 5 seconds currently?
Did you send them to a New Compressed (zipped) Folder.

1. Copy any dmp files from C:\Windows\Minidump onto the desktop.
2. Select all of them, right-click on one, and click on Send To> New Compressed (zipped) Folder.
3. Upload the zip folder using the Attach button, bottom left of the dialogue input box

Windows is well out of date on your computer, take a look at the attachment below which shows just a few of them that you are missing.

No point in speculating about driver issues tbh as it is a waste of time trying to troubleshoot while we know that Windows is out of date, one or more of the missing updates could be the answer to your computer issue/s.


  • Windows 10 2020 updates.jpg
    Windows 10 2020 updates.jpg
    173.5 KB · Views: 12
Hmm is there a way to update Windows from command line? I think the crashing of my apps or display driver might have set a flag to tell my machine that it is up to date. I current can not update with the Windows Update tool.
Sorry but no and neither crashing apps or drivers would affect Windows updates in any way.

What about the crash dmps, did you do as is explained in my steps as you did to upload the dmps in your reply #9.
ok I tried again with updates and it installed one.
here are some screenshots of my update History, sytem info and minidumps folder


Good news that you have been able to install a couple of updates but can we have the two crash dmps from the 11th March 2020, we can`t do anything without them.
So I did not think that windows does write an addtional minidump when I set the settings to complete kernel dump. With that I was blind and uploaded all dumps again with the march ones I hope.


Any more BSOD since the 11th of March 2020, below are the findings of the last two crashes which are for the moment info only, if you have had no more crashes since updating Windows you should create a new system restore point and see how things go for a few days.

The last crash was caused by a conflict between RuntimeBroker.exe and the Realtek network adaptor driver, like one of the previous crashes that involved WIndows Defender this could be a security/permissions issue, what RuntimeBroker.exe is explained here

The earlier crash on the 11th was again a pretty generic one with no particular driver identified, CRITICAL PROCESS DIED and Ntkrnlmp.exe are both present in the dmp file, common causes of this type of crash are out of date or incorrect graphics drivers but being that the Realtek network drivers were responsible for the latest crash should further troubleshooting need to be done we should look at them first.
Your English is far better than my German & I have no idea what that error message says 🙁

Your latest crash was again related to network drivers but not Realtek drivers this time, Windows own and namely rpcrt4.dll was the cause, see info here

Your Windows installation info

Operating System
Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Computer type: Desktop
Installation Date: 03.01.2020 15:28:48

After you installed Windows did you install the drivers for the MB and starting with the chipset drivers first.
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