Solved Windows Updates do not work for Win 7 Pro SP1 64 bit - desktop

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I think it might disappear.
I don't let Windows search for updates until I tell it to. I have never installed the Security Monthly Quality rollup.
I install the Security only monthly rollup. (Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan.)

When I choose to search for updates, so far since October, it has only offered me that's month's Security Monthly Quality rollup, despite me not having installed the previous month's Security Monthly Quality rollup.
I have Windows search for updates but I choose when to install them. So I'll keep an out for the Security monthly roll ups at the link you provided.

I really don't have much confidence in Micro$oft updates. My PCs have crashed 4 or 5 times in the past after doing Windows updates. And even though the Malware Removal tool or Windows Defender was run, they have never discovered any malware on my PCs, even though I knew malware / viruses were present.
I've read in some forums that Micro$oft updates are a standing joke amongst developers/programmers. You would think that as the creators of the software they would provide near bullet-proof anti-virus protection. For Micro$oft, it's all about the dollars, and "planned obsolescence" is the name of the game ... ( fyi, there's an excellent youtube video by the same title )

I need to un-install MS Office Pro 13 and I understand it's important to make sure that everything is removed before re-installing. Is using Windows Control Panel - Un-install a Program good enough, ( maybe geek.exe ) or is there a removal tool that does a better job ??

Bookmark Woody Leonhard's site (he writes Windows for Dummies books)

He has links for the BIG bundle and the Security only bundle for Windows 7 and Vista, until it no longer gets updates after April 2017. If the site says 2 at the top, you wait to install that month's updates. There are comments on issues people have with the updates. He just split the comments off the articles and moved them to a forum. If you click the link that says Comment on the AskWoody Lounge next to an article, you can read all the comments. (I'm registered there so from time to time I do comment on Win 7 issues).

It took most of January before he declared it was safe to finally install the January update.

As for removing Office 2013, you might want to read this article
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Bookmark Woody Leonhard's site (he writes Windows for Dummies books)

He has links for the BIG bundle and the Security only bundle for Windows 7 and Vista, until it no longer gets updates after April 2017. If the site says 2 at the top, you wait to install that month's updates. There are comments on issues people have with the updates. He just split the comments off the articles and moved them to a forum. If you click the link that says Comment on the AskWoody Lounge next to an article, you can read all the comments. (I'm registered there so from time to time I do comment on Win 7 issues).

It took most of January before he declared it was safe to finally install the January update.

As for removing Office 2013, you might want to read this article
Hi plodr,
Started to draft a reply and forgot to send.
Thanks for sharing the askwoody site. I've read through some parts and it's an excellent resource.
Disabling windows updates until they're safe to download is a good idea, given that updates, be it any software, are oft times not thoroughly tested and are rushed to meet corporate quarterly objectives.
Thanks for your help, as well as malnutrition, phillpower2, & driver_ian
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