Solved Windows 11 not generating minidump files after BSOD/PC Freeze despite settings to generate said minidump files are enabled

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Let's leave this thread open for a few days and see how you go. (y)

I also want to mention that I did not adapt both monitors to scale off GPU.
I left the default by NVidia, which is one of them two scaling off the display itself.

Regardless, I want to thank you @Bruce and all the other guys here at PC Help Forum for the amazing work and support you give.

I'd close the post in any case since this deviated from the original issue.
If anything comes back again, I'll make sure to open another post.

Thank you! :giggle:
Is the original issue resolved?

Original issue should be resolved as per post #6 ; perhaps the corrupted minidump was due to the paging file being bigger than necessary plus I manually forced reset on the PC before the generation was completed.
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