Windows 10 won't start/black screen

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PCHF Member
Oct 19, 2020
My desktop used to have Windows 7. Then it started doing three beeps and it wasn't able to start normally, but it would give me an option for safe mode.
I took it for repairing, and they changed the graphics card and installed windows 10 instead.
After two months again, it does the same three beeps, but now I don't even get the safe mode option so i can at least access my files.

Could re installing win 10 help? Engineer told me that my pc is pretty old and it will show problems in the future again. Also I was getting these KB4566782 and KB4559309 updates but I kept postponing them.
Would it help if I reinstalled windows 10 from a usb and then did these updates?

Yes you can try installing Windows 10 again and seeing if the PC boots up properly and rule out a corrupted installation but if the computer is not booting up properly then that could indicate a hardware failure of some kind.

Can you post your computer specs so I know what hardware the computer has? Thanks.

Yes you can try installing Windows 10 again and seeing if the PC boots up properly and rule out a corrupted installation but if the computer is not booting up properly then that could indicate a hardware failure of some kind.

Can you post your computer specs so I know what hardware the computer has? Thanks.
I can't check them because the pc won't turn on at all, and also i don't remember them. All I know is that it's 32bit and used to be win 7. I also think the year was 2004. Unless there's a way to check, that's why i was searching to enter safe mode, but i can't.
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