Why does my pc sometimes freeze then terminate the game I was playing?

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PCHF Member
Jun 6, 2022
Sometimes when I open any kind of game even if it doesn’t take that much memory or isn’t demanding it just freezes, screen goes black then comes back, this even happened when I first open windows but nothing got terminated, then I get a message from AMD bug report tool saying that it Had detected a driver timeout had occurred on my system. I am under the suspension that this problem is caused by motherboard.
is this the same rig from the other post where you upgraded the BIOS after getting the new PSU?

and this freezing, it only happens in games, not in Word, or surfing or checking emails etc?
is this the same rig from the other post where you upgraded the BIOS after getting the new PSU?

and this freezing, it only happens in games, not in Word, or surfing or checking emails etc?
Yes it is the same pc, this crash usually happens in games, while yes it happens outside of games it’s pretty rare and I didn’t change out the psu only the CPU and for context this happened with my old cpu too. I also tried to change my PSU to see if it was a PSU issue, but the problem still persists.
this is just me, but I'd be cutting to the chase and reloading a fresh copy of Windows.
you could wait for others to chime in, try different suggestions, and hope to get lucky within a few days, or bite the bullet straight away and reload.

you'll know within four hours if you are on the right track if the issue goes away.
yes it's a big hammer approach, and you have to backup all your personal data, then reload all your required software.
but the up shot is a lean, clean OS, and the act of reinstalling the OS and software will bench test the rig for you. and if it does freeze again, the last thing you did is most likely the culprit.
I’ve tried that before no dice though, I’ve had this problem ever since I built the **** thing, that’s why the first thing that comes to mind is a hardware problem, but I’ll try a system reset I’ve kinda been wanting to do it for a while anyways, thanks for the help and I’ll get back to ya and tell you if it improved or not, I’ve replaced two things, the cpu and the psu ever since I built it.
this is just me, but I'd be cutting to the chase and reloading a fresh copy of Windows.
you could wait for others to chime in, try different suggestions, and hope to get lucky within a few days, or bite the bullet straight away and reload.

you'll know within four hours if you are on the right track if the issue goes away.
yes it's a big hammer approach, and you have to backup all your personal data, then reload all your required software.
but the up shot is a lean, clean OS, and the act of reinstalling the OS and software will bench test the rig for you. and if it does freeze again, the last thing you did is most likely the culprit.
I agree - and good luck. (y)
Alright now that I've done it I see a bit of a improvement, things don't crash as often and run smoother as expected ill see if it comes back and if it does ill just assume its a hardware issue, hard to say though, even if the upgrading my components don't work I still already wanted to upgrade the PC for a while, thanks for your help. I will also look at other guides to help if the problem ever arises again.
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