Solved Very high power usage in task manager

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It started maybe a month ago.

I bought it as a prebuilt 3+ years ago

I dont know if this is connected to my problem, anyways i went into my room and heard a really loud noise comming from my pc, so i restarted it and everything seemed normal and few hours later i found out about the problem

At first i thought my psu broke and i ordered a new one. While i was buying a psu i decided to upgrade it and add a new processor and a new mobo
If it's not happening not much to be done about it.

As far as the power usage, does it go down over time or just stay at high usage?

If it stays at high, do you have any issues regarding performance?
It goes down when im not doing anything, but as soon as I interact with any google site or try to play any gamer it just goes to very high.

About the performance i think it's slower, takes more to load

And im scared to leave it like that because my gpu gets really hot (cant even hold my hand on it) and its getting hot while using any site/program
If it's fluctuating I would consider this normal behavior depending on the application.

The GPU will get hot, under load they can run anywhere from 70℃ to mid 80℃ for your card, have you monitored your temperatures to see if they cross any thresholds?
I have not checked my gpu temp

I checked in pcpartpicker and my pc uses around 400wats and my psu is 800. That would be more more then enough to run smooth

Im 80% certain something is wrong with the software
I don't know what hardware piece would be causing this issue since i replaced a mobo, cpu and a psu
Please get an updated speccy and post that for us to look at.

High power usage doesn't mean you're maxing out the power supply, it can be perfectly normal.

At this point I'm struggling to feel that there's anything truly wrong with applications using higher amounts of power.

@phillpower2 might have some thoughts.
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That link is no good on my end, can you ensure it pasted fully and it is working on your end?
At this point I don't see any issues other than some potential system slowdowns, but those shouldn't cause any power issues.

As mentioned before it's normal for programs to use high power, and as long as it's not causing any instabilities, crashes, or hang-ups I don't see a need to change anything.

My web browser is always running at 'very high' power usage, and it never causes me any issues.
Thank you for your help, i just found it really weird that it suddenly shows "very high" power usage on every program/site i interact with
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