Using laptop with external monitor only

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I have nothing against running the suggested tests, but the eight beeps prevents me from doing anything but go into BIOS. When I hit the F12 key, the Boot Menu pops up and if I choose Diagnostics or Hard Drive the dreaded eight beeps return.

Can I ask what you mean by the LCD screen is not connected.

Sure I mean the internal LCD of the Vostro 3450 laptop is not connected
It was explained in my reply #14 that the video cable must be connected to both the MB and the screen, do you even still have the screen or did you get rid of it when you discarded the video cable;

You need to connect the video ribbon to both the motherboard and the screen regardless of the fact that the screen does not work.
It was explained in my reply #14 that the video cable must be connected to both the MB and the screen, do you even still have the screen or did you get rid of it when you discarded the video cable;

I have the screen but it does not work and gives the eight beeps. Also, this defeats the whole purpose of the thread, to use external monitor only on laptop without internal screen attached.
Sorry but as has been explained an integral screen needs to be connected to the Dell notebook or the power on self test will 100% guaranteed fail, not sure if you have read it already but found a Dell thread with a Dell Vostro 3550 and they say that after several goes they got the notebook to boot and the beeps stopped, the thread is here if you were able to do this you could leave the notebook on stand by all the time rather than powering it right the way down.
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