Solved Upgrading My PC

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PCHF Member
Jan 6, 2020
I made a post previously on here about how to upgrade my pc but got stumped on where to find my PSU, greeted by help by many wonderful people I was also busy so had no time to open my PC and find out my PSU. I've now sat down and genuinely want to upgrade my PC I bought it roughly 4 years ago its a DELL inspiron 5675, with a CPU AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Quad-Core Processor and a GPU AMD Radeon (TM) RX 560 after research online I'm pretty sure its PSU is 450 and can be upgraded to 850, although I'm not sure, i just need advice on how upgradeable it is and what I'd need to buy, never upgraded a PC before
this help?


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Take a look at the thread here and see if by the end of it you can be bothered with the hassle.

Something else that may deter you is the below which you can see for yourself at the Dell specs here

NOTE: The PCIExpress X16 card slot works at X8 speed only
i dont necessarily want to upgrade the psu if i dont have to, i just want guidance on what i can upgrade for example gpu, cpu, ram etc
I made a post previously on here about how to upgrade my pc but got stumped on where to find my PSU,

after research online I'm pretty sure its PSU is 450 and can be upgraded to 850,

The two points above are one of the reasons why you were directed towards a PSU upgrade potentially being problematic and likewise a second reason why is explained below.

To be able to upgrade the GPU you will need to upgrade the PSU as well, and as mentioned above the user manual says that only eight lanes of the PCI-E X16 lanes get used meaning that you only get 50% of the performance that the GPU is capable of.

The CPU can be upgraded to a Ryzen 7 1700X but the MB may need a BIOS update first.

The RAM can be upgraded to two sticks of 2667MHz RAM if you upgrade the CPU to a Ryzen 7 1700X.
Honest answer is yes :(

If it were not for the note that says "The PCIExpress X16 card slot works at X8 speed only" I would have suggested swapping the MB into a new case, brand name computers like Dell customise the BIOS so that the MB and graphics require less power and then they throw in a lesser spec of PSU that just covers the basics, at the end of the day its all about money and the saving of it on Dells behalf.
do you have any suggestions on how to go about buying a new pc that can be upgraded in the future should i want to
Not really as it is not something that I would suggest anyone do, building from scratch is both better and less expensive, parts permitting in these covid times that is.
Okay fair enough, I know this probably sounds repetitive but as I was playing DayZ I could only play on low and would get frame drops and small freezes when looking at big building and aiming etc, does improving RAM or adding ssd improve this or is it purely a case of I can’t like you said

im looking at parts to build my pc btw, if i was to buy my pc my main aim is to have a good gaming pc that can be upgraded in the future :?
The present hardware cannot be upgraded to anything more than having an SSD for faster boot times and more RAM which will allow you to have more tabs open, neither will improve gaming.

If you want us to look at a saved parts list you should copy/paste the PCPartPicker url into a reply.
Nice list of parts but I would change the HDD from a Seagate to a Western Digital Black.

Not on your list, you will need to purchase a Windows 10 product key.

Check the delivery dates and from where any parts are coming from.
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