Streaming and bad bandwidth

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PCHF Member
Oct 25, 2022
Hello!! So recently i tried to check how my PC can tolerate a live stream on twitch. Note that i dont have a GPU but integrated graphics. I thought that i will have fps drops but the video was okay. The problem was that i had bad bandwidth from obs and streamlabs (in my screen the game doesn't lag at all, only on the stream some times). I have 100mbps fiber and the upload speed is 8-10 mbps. If i set my bitrate on obs/streamlabs more than 2000 the stream lags a lot. Do you think that this problem has to do with the cpu as i put lot of "pressure" on it or the internet which is pretty weird to me as people with the same upload and download speed can stream normally?

I'm planning to buy a GPU, i don't wanna stream right now as i'm aware of the poor video quality but i wanted to know if this stuttering is because of the non existent GPU as this can be solved. If is the internet it means i cannot stream because i just upgrated my line :confused:

Streamlabs settings: I'm streaming at 720p, encoder software(x264), encoder present superfast, fps 60 (tried on games: Valorant, Genshin Impact 😬)
System resources from task manager while streaming: GPU is on 100%, CPU 38%-45% and memory 54%.

CPU: ryzen 5 5600G, RAM: Corsair 16GB 3200Mhz, SSD: Samsung 970 evo plus 1T
i changed the settings to the recommended of twitch but its the same, very bad bandwidth. At this point i just wanna know if having a GPU may help but it sounds weird to me as bandwidth clearly has to do with the internet connection but it's also weird to me as they say 10mbps upload speed is good for streaming and i have exactly that...
No the Gpu should not have anything to do with your bandwidth.
i did a little test with a friend we are on the same country. This guy had 50mbps DLS internet (so obviously lower upload speed than mine) and could stream with 3500 mbps, his bandwidth on twitch was pretty okay and it was so weird to us that I with fiber and 10mbps upload have 1500mbps-2000mbps bandwidth on twitch
Can I see a minitoolbox log please.

Please download MiniToolBox and save it to your desktop.

Run the program by right clicking on it and selecting Run as administrator.
When the program opens select the following boxes:

Flush DNS
Report IE Proxy Settings
Reset IE Proxy Settings
Report FF Proxy Settings
Reset FF Proxy Settings
List content of Hosts
List IP Configuration
List Winsock Entries
List last 10 Event Viewer Errors
List Installed Programs
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List Users, Partitions and Memory size

Please post the log in your next reply
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Can I see a minitoolbox log please.

Please download MiniToolBox and save it to your desktop.

Run the program by right clicking on it and selecting Run as administrator.
When the program opens select the following boxes:

Flush DNS
Report IE Proxy Settings
Reset IE Proxy Settings
Report FF Proxy Settings
Reset FF Proxy Settings
List content of Hosts
List IP Configuration
List Winsock Entries
List last 10 Event Viewer Errors
List Installed Programs
List Devices (Only Problems)
List Users, Partitions and Memory size

Please post the log in your next reply
I'm sorry but what is the exact purpose of this?
Will show us what is going on with the system that can possibly causing the issues that you are stating.

As you will start to see that there is a lot more to streaming than on thinks there is.

I'm planning to buy a GPU

You said that you were going to get a GPU which one and what is the make and model of the current PSU and will it be capable of handling (powering) said GPU?

When you made the attempt to stream were you?
using a camera
playing music in the background
cross streaming
wired or wireless
What was running in the background
Microphone and headset

i did a little test with a friend we are on the same country.

You ae comparing apples to oranges.

Where the specs exactly same as your system?
Setup and configured the same as yours?
Were they wired or wireless?
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Will show us what is going on with the system that can possibly causing the issues that you are stating.

As you will start to see that there is a lot more to streaming than on thinks there is.

You said that you were going to get a GPU which one and what is the make and model of the current PSU and will it be capable of handling (powering) said GPU?

When you made the attempt to stream were you?
using a camera
playing music in the background
cross streaming
wired or wireless
What was running in the background
Microphone and headset

You ae comparing apples to oranges.

Where the specs exactly same as your system?
Setup and configured the same as yours?
Were they wired or wireless?
My PSU is Be quiet system power 9 600W and i'm between Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3060 12GB GDDR6 Gaming OC (rev. 2.0) and Sapphire Radeon RX 6600 8GB GDDR6 Pulse but i wanna do further research on that when i'm on budget.

I used neither camera on my stream nor music. My connection is wired, nothing else was running on the background except the game and obs. I am using headset with mic on it, also no cross streaming

The friend i said has the same CPU and PSU as me, the differences are the motherboard, RAM, the graphics card (which is the first one i said i think of buying), has less SSD space than me and wired connection.

I also did a twitch bandwidth test that is below that tests the bandwidth on servers. Note that the ones i have 4000-4800 and one on 6570 after some time are dropping like the other servers arround 2000

Gives me your up configuration, could tell me if there are dns time outs, and also list the event log errors which could tell a lot, also installed programs that could possibly be an issue when they run along side certain other programs, when you ask for help on a forum there is no other way for people to help because they are not sitting in front of the machine in question. This gives us a little insight so that we can help you.

If you do not want to post the log, that’s fine I can not offer any assistance if not. And then again if the log is posted there may not be any issue that is identified in them....
Gives me your up configuration, could tell me if there are dns time outs, and also list the event log errors which could tell a lot, also installed programs that could possibly be an issue when they run along side certain other programs, when you ask for help on a forum there is no other way for people to help because they are not sitting in front of the machine in question. This gives us a little insight so that we can help you.

If you do not want to post the log, that’s fine I can not offer any assistance if not. And then again if the log is posted there may not be any issue that is identified in them....
thank you for the specification but i will pass on this one because of the very private info i see it contains.
That is your choice unfortunately all we would be doing is guessing and wasting our time and yours.

Would suggest that you start a conversation with the support team with twitch.

From what I can see and have been a previous streamer myself that there is a conflict with the configuration whether it be in OBS or Windows and the only way to truly find out is to have the logs. Since we cannot be informed of the system to physically see and do what we need to do.

Could we without the IP information possibility yet it may still be a lot of guessing.

Your decision figure out what you would like to go from here and let us know.
That is your choice unfortunately all we would be doing is guessing and wasting our time and yours.

Would suggest that you start a conversation with the support team with twitch.

From what I can see and have been a previous streamer myself that there is a conflict with the configuration whether it be in OBS or Windows and the only way to truly find out is to have the logs. Since we cannot be informed of the system to physically see and do what we need to do.

Could we without the IP information possibility yet it may still be a lot of guessing.

Your decision figure out what you would like to go from here and let us know.
Thank you for your time i really appreciate it. I'm not gonna look further on it before i get my GPU.

Now for the rest i would be happy to post my logs but when i see that is asked to post my IP and everything related,
i'm getting dissapointed on the help that is provided even if it doesnt have bad intentions. Mind that other people that don't will to help can exploit.
Better be wrongly suspicious than fooled.

Thanks again to everybody keep up the good job!!!!
That is not your IP address. It’s your internet configuration.

If you go tot the site below you will see what your actual ip that your isp designated for you.

You best be worried about social media, they read all your cookies and then target advertising towards what you browsed earlier.

If you log into any social media account after viewing bass outdoors or adult websites they know...

We aim to help you here not exploit.
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