Solved SSD stopped being detected

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PCHF Member
Feb 13, 2023
So the SSD is working again, but Im still worried about the ocurrence. So I booted up a game and it immeadiately crashed, followed by a Windows Error and a reboot. I thought nothing by it, and tried to start the game again, when I realized the SSD is gone. Neither Diskmangagement nor Device Manager detected it, I immeadiately went to the bios only to see its not recognised there either. So I took my pc apart, took a look at it and saw no damages. I assumed it may be an connection error, because when I unscrewed it the screw felt a bit loose, so I plugged everything back in and booted up my PC and everything was fine. I assume it was loosely connected to the port, but Im still worried if theres a bigger issue.

The SSD is quiet close to the GPU and CPU, so it might get too hot there. I still have the motherboard heat panel somewhere, I didnt install it, because I heard SSDs work fine without it, but if the area is getting too hot and too dangerous I might install it now.

Also when I first installed the SSD I had to create a partition in Disk Management, so I could use it. Maybe I did a mistake here, the other SSD with Windows on has multiple partitions.

I appreciate any answers and tips to be more careful in the future.
Windows creates whatever partitions it deems fit as it installs.
is this problematic SSD the 2.5" sort, m.2, or a NVMe attached directly to the motherboard?
sounds like the later, and the heat shield is probably more like a heatsink to dissipate built up heat rather than protect it from other heat sources.
so yeah, put that on!
Windows creates whatever partitions it deems fit as it installs.
is this problematic SSD the 2.5" sort, m.2, or a NVMe attached directly to the motherboard?
sounds like the later, and the heat shield is probably more like a heatsink to dissipate built up heat rather than protect it from other heat sources.
so yeah, put that on!
Yes it is a NVMe SSD, thank you for the reply, I will put the heat sink on.
Do you have any other tips to prevent another incident like this?
assuming the screw was lose, drive not installed all the way maybe, and heat - we may have already found the issue. (y)

if it does it again, my money is on a faulty drive.
is this drive new?
Yes, its new. Im really thankful for your replies. I was really worried there was a larger problem. Again you have all my gratitude.
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