Some Exact Same Keys Randomly Stop Working

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PCHF Member
Mar 29, 2019

I have a rather odd issue with my laptop's keyboard that I've never encountered before. All of a sudden, regardless what I'm doing on my laptop at that moment, whether it would be browsing the internet or playing a game, some exact same keyboard keys stop working, it doesn't follow a trend, it would happen 10 times in a minute or once in an hour. I would need to press them a multiple times for them to work again, once one key starts functioning again, others do as well. On the other hand, once one stops responding, others follow suit too. Other keys in the keyboard are perfectly fine, it's just that those specific keys stop responding every now and them and they seem to be linked in some way or another. The keys are: M , G, H, D, S, C, and CAPS Lock.

-I have ran MBAM, Hitman, Comodo, Zemana, Norton on demand scanners with no clue
-i have tried uninstalling my keyboard drivers then installing them back
-I have turned filter and sticky keys off

Could you please help me solve this issue? Or just explain to me the possible causes? Like is it a battery issue, keyboard one? motherboard, keys. I just don't know. It's very odd.

Probably just stuck keys.

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Does it happen if you boot into Safe Mode.

Try connecting a USB keyboard to the notebook to see if you still get the same issue, if you don`t, it looks like you need a new keypad, post back with an update after trying an external keyboard and we will go from there.
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