Screen Freeze or BSOD (mainly watchdog_violation), Rtlihvs.dll missing

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Hi, I am back with more updates~

Things I did before I slept (20th April):
- I updated my chipset driver but playing MHW still result in screen freeze and BSOD.
I have a question regarding the updating of my drivers, when you mention Intel Rapid Storage drivers, so long as it does not have those words in the driver name, it means that I do not have to update them right? I just want to clarify because I do not know if those drivers in the attached image are part of the Rapid Storage Drivers. (I did not update them and will not do any random updates unless recommended and I am not trying to be funny or cause inconveniences. I seek your understanding as I have not studied that much on hardware before).​
- Doing other stuff with or without connection to the internet does not seem to cause any crashes even after close to an hour.

Things I tried today (21st April):
- I have also unplugged the wifi adaptor and used a LAN cable I borrowed but it also results in screen freeze and BSOD.
- I was just trying to narrow down the events before I would experience the screen freeze and BSOD inside the game, this time, it was a WHEA UNCORRECTABLE ERROR. Only this particular time. (I was on LAN cable)

*All the above tests are done with the updated chipset driver.


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You do need the second one, SMBUS is akin to the chipset drivers as it enables the various ports to communicate with the processor, you are right to check as well btw (y)

- I have also unplugged the wifi adaptor and used a LAN cable I borrowed but it also results in screen freeze and BSOD.
Proves that the internet connection is involved in your problems.

From my reply #40;

If the computer does happen to crash when you are using it under either of the above conditions can you please make a note of what the computer was being used for at the time.
You missed telling us what the computer was being used for when it crashed while connected using the LAN.

You have not uploaded the latest crash dmp for us.
My apologies,
while using LAN, I went to play MHW because I wanted to test out using the same conditions.
That is when the crash happened.

And attached are the files from sysnative.


Thanks, should we need to I will provide the steps for you so that you only need to upload the crash dmps.

Right, last crash was a problem with the CPU, the previous one was CPU related and the first one of the latest three involved the CPU and Windows Defender, the common denominator being a problem with the CPU I headed off and did some research and found that this is a well documented problem with MHW, an example thread and possible fix here

Before you head off and check out the thread at the link there is a test it is worthwhile you running.

If you are overclocking at all, stop.

Intel CPU test
Thank a ton too Ad (I can call you by this name right?),

with regards to that link on the Steam forums, are you referring to testing out the mod posted by the thread starter?
If so, he seems to have stopped updating the mod and it cannot run with the latest MHW patch.

To stop overclocking (if there is any), I am required to go into the BIOS to do it right?
Can I follow Fix number 4 here:
to disable overclocking?

I ran the Intel CPU test and all sections passed just to update you.
Ad is fine :)

Good news that the CPU is all good and does point more towards the game being the cause which unfortunately is not something that we can help with, only the software provider is allowed to legally do that.

Restoring the MBs default factory settings in the BIOS, they are sometimes listed as one of the following " factory defaults" "most stable" or on newer boards "optimized" please note that if you have both the "most stable" and the "optimized" options in the BIOS you should choose the most stable" option as in this instance the "optimized" settings are a form of overclocking that can cause instability.

Edit to add: To access the BIOS on your MB you need to keep tapping the Delete key on boot.
Alright, I will head to BIOS later and take a look at its settings.

Really appreciate your time and effort in trying to solve this issue happening to one of my favourite games of all time.
My friends and I have been trying to narrow down and understand the problem but we can only do so much with the amount of experience and knowledge that we have.

Would you still require crash dump files if I encounter it wherever they may occur?
Did you note the edit to my last reply for how to access the BIOS.

The below is the easier way to get crash dmps to us but being honest if MHW keeps on crashing the computer there is no amount of crash dmp analysis that is going to fix it.

1. Copy any dmp files from C:\Windows\Minidump onto the desktop.
2. Select all of them, right-click on one, and click on Send To> New Compressed (zipped) Folder.
3. Upload the zip folder using the Attach button, bottom left of the dialogue input box
I was away for dinner and just saw your edit Ad, thanks alot (y)
Before I try to change anything, This is what I see on the screen. Is that the "Optimized" option you are referring to?
And if so, I should just select it, save and exit?


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If that is the only option, that will be it, you normally select it and then press F10 to save and exit.
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