Solved Private Character Editor (EUDCEDIT) - where are stored data for chars? Need transfer to other OS

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EUDCedit is crashing in XP?
Implies Unicode support error.
Only guessing here:
Czech both boxes

EUDCEDIT crashes only after import TTE to Fonts folder.
Before import it works correctly.
I'm using Czech version, I'm from Slovakia.
BTW: Text below your avatar is in Polish, so you're near me :)
Please do as suggested. Check the two boxes in XP regional text settings as shown.
My apologies for confusing you with my czech joke.

Attempt to use EUDCedit as desired (with the TTE file in place).

Does it work now?
Joke is ok, also I'm creating software on 8-bit scene under my nickname and it's joined joke of Microsoft and my name :)
I did it following you - no help - same behavior.
It is Friday night - Smoovie Night at the colony. I will not spend much time on this for the next many hours.
Ok, I have lot of work but thank you very much! No one gave to me answer on this question - I never know where are data stored.
In all cases - private characters I'll be creating in Windows 10, XP will update by importing.
Only two Q to this thread I post now:
1. Is possible to link private characters with all fonts also without EUDCEDIT? Any script or externally call?
2. I need to download fix kb981813 - Microsoft always want always to be assistant and never got link, I don't know package in which was distributed. Package is for me unusable - I never tried to extract KB separate. So, know you how to download it directly?

Nice night.

You are experiencing difficulty with this because you are dealing with matters that involve the Windows kernel.

All EUDC characters are associated to all Unicode fonts by default action.

"No one gave to me answer on this question - I never know where are data stored."
You replied that you found the file and were able to open it in Character Map.

It is not advised to create fonts in WindX and port them backward to XP. You have already implied (if not specifically stated) that your first attempt to do so causes EUDCedit to crash without an interrupt (kernel does not like it and has no error trap?). There may be an entry in a system log, viewable in Event Viewer, but I see no reason for looking.

So, please clarify:
In what OS did you create the characters?

You may have to do it the hard way, one image at a time.
So, finally - KB helped not, not possible to apply by anyway, it was attempt 'cause was recommended on MS forum.
So, problems not solved:
1. EUDCEDIT allows not to save characters (outputs "Used in another process"), only in Safe Mode are editable. But in Windows 10 virtual machine it has no problem.
2. I installed copy of Windows 10 to VM and tried to import TTE file - success - character imported into single font and even EUDCEDIT works... BUT it has no way how to link TTE font with all fonts. So, is any possible script to link user selected font with all others? Or other way? 'Cause this way are private characters available only in single font - so without linking it is near identical to cop&paste one by one...
Now solved - in registry editor in key HKCU\EUDC\1250 I added string value with name of <any> font (I used Arial
Unicode MS) and now are private characters linked to all fonts.
You can mark thread as solved.
I did not need to add the value. It was already there. Interesting.

Your problem may be solved, but the mystery remains.

I know that in source OS from which was TTE exported this value has, but target OS (XP) - to which was TTE imported, this walue had not, so I created it and it links it all together.
Only one mystery remains - XP EUDCEDIT crash after TTE import.
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