popup insurance claim assistant

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DESKTOP-51OMJ8K.arn (file://DESKTOP-51OMJ8K/Users/User/Desktop/DESKTOP-51OMJ8K.arn) I don't know if this will work but its the best I have been able to do


@Grahamw I'm looking over the log now and do not really see anything...

Another way we can tackle this....
Download KillEmAll to your desktop and unzip it there.
Reboot the machine and allow the pop-up to initialize.
Right click KillEmAll run as admin.
Click enter button.
Then click L
Then hit enter key on your keyboard.
A log file will appear.
Copy and paste that into your reply here.
This program will kill the app, and list it's process.


Also, in Autoruns uncheck these items. Then reboot.


@Grahamw I'm looking over the log now and do not really see anything...

Another way we can tackle this....
Download KillEmAll to your desktop and unzip it there.
Reboot the machine and allow the pop-up to initialize.
Right click KillEmAll run as admin.
Click enter button.
Then click L
Then hit enter key on your keyboard.
A log file will appear.
Copy and paste that into your reply here.
This program will kill the app, and list it's process.
ok I will try that, obviously the info I sent wasn't any good, I had a reply via Trustpilot but it just suggested looking for the program and deleting it I told them that no such app with this name arrears anywhere, I am waiting for a reply to that.
just goes to show how crazy computer issues can be, works on mine and not yours. 🤷‍♂️
Nope file is corrupy
I used excel on thre txt file
hold everything, just had an email from the offending company saying they will remove it, good news, assuming I get a good outcome, I will continue to use this Forum thank you, I will update you later
Can you let us know what’s the name of the file they remove please it may help others in the future
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