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Baka Kyun

PCHF Member
Feb 10, 2023
Hello! So I've just got a 1080ti Aorus and downloaded the software including the RGB thing, I turned the pc off and it blue screened with that error in the title. I've done some research and a lot of people say that the gigabyte aorus rbg software was the problem but my pc doesn't boot anymore after that blue screen, my monitor would be stuck on the brand logo but after some tries it just has a black screen now. How would I get into the system to delete it?
reset the cmos to start.
Since you have not told us anything about the computer/motherboard we can't advise on the best way to perform the reset.
reset the cmos to start.
Since you have not told us anything about the computer/motherboard we can't advise on the best way to perform the reset.
Like take the battery out for a bit? I've tried that but I didn't work, if you want could you name the things you'd like to know so I could find them and give you more info on everything?
The only manual I can find is not in English.
So, try this.
1) remove the battery again and press on off button a couple of times to drain all power
wait 5 mins.
If nothing
Remove video card and cmos battery.
Do same as above without the video card
So I've just got a 1080ti Aorus
So I assume it was working before without this card - onboard video?
found this


  • B85 Plus RTC.JPG
    B85 Plus RTC.JPG
    55.4 KB · Views: 13
The only manual I can find is not in English.
So, try this.
1) remove the battery again and press on off button a couple of times to drain all power
wait 5 mins.
If nothing
Remove video card and cmos battery.
Do same as above without the video card

So I assume it was working before without this card - onboard video?
It was working perfectly fine with the 1080 ti, it was only until I shut down the pc and the error message cacre up, I've tried putting my old card back in and it still doesn't work. Tired the cpu display as well but that didn't work, I'll try the pin thing now though.
make sure to remove power cord
Yes I'm doing that now, but what are jumper cap pins and where are they located on my motherboard? I've found what the picture is pointing to and it says to switch them from 1-2 to 2-3 but there are only 2 pins to begin with.
So I've found something on my board that says CLRTC CHASSIS though it only has 2 pins and I don't think I know where or even if my motherboard has a jumper. Though I could try and take a photo if you'd like.
Power cord out
battery out
press on button a couple of times to drain power
wait 10 mins battery in
power cord in
power on
holding del key - not tapping
Yes it does!, so my old motherboard has the 3 pins but my new one only has 2, do I still just put it in?
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