Solved PC stays powered on after wondows shut down!?

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Hi, have just looked into this and have disconnected the power switch completely and still boots up straight away. Shorting out the pins does power up the windows side of it. But PC still comes on straight away with the pwr switch connector on pins 6 and 8 removed completely from the MB.

Now try shutting down the PC in Windows as normal to see if that behaviour is still the same.
Have just done this, powered up via pins 6 and 8, then shut down via windows and behaviour is still exactly the same :( done this a couple of times.
100% rules out a software issue.

Remove the GPU from the PCI-E slot on the MB, reconnect the power cord, flick the switch on the wall socket to see if the PSU and internal cooling fan/s etc spin up without you having pressed the case power button or shorting the pins, we are not expecting the PC to display anything just seeing if the GPU is involved in the behaviour, if still the same, repeat the process but trying only one stick of RAM at a time.

Just a fyi, powering up and booting up are two different things, a PC has not booted until you are in Windows whereas what you described is happening with your PC is that something is powering up some but not all of the hardware.
Hi sorry had to pop out for a bit. Still exactly the same, fans, lights etc powering up when gpu is removed, when RAM stick 1 is removed and when RAM stick 2 is removed.
No problem, life must go on.

A power good signal problem is a strong possibility now, could be on the PSU or the MBs side and being that the PSU is of poor quality and needs replacing in any event that is what I suggest is replaced.

Is the GPU an Nvidea one or a third party such as ASUS, Gigabyte or MSI etc.
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