PC randomly freezing

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M. Leferink

PCHF Member
Oct 26, 2018
Hello everyone,

I've been struggling with this issue for way too long now. My pc keeps randomly freezing and it's been driving me nuts. I've searched for fixes on google, tried some but none worked. I've had my task manager open to monitor my memory and it didn't seem to spike when it froze. It doesn't happen regularly and mostly when I'm loading a program or watching YouTube.

The freezes occurred when I was booting from HDD and SSD, I've tried updating all of my drivers. I'm pretty sure my system isn't overheating since I'm running a ridiculous 6 case fans. Waiting the freeze out also doesn't result in anything other than more waiting.

I hope to get a response soon so I can finally fix this.

My system specs are:
CPU: AMD A8-7600
Motherboard: ASRock FM2A78 Pro3+
GPU: GTX 660
PSU: 500W(I don't know any specifics)
Memory: 8GB DDR3-1600
Storage: 128GB SSD & 1TB HDD

Kind regards,

M. Leferink
Welcome to PCHF M. Leferink,

PSU: 500W(I don't know any specifics)

Never a good sign and to be able to help you we need to know the brand and model name or number of the power supply so you need to take off the side of the case, locate the information label as in the attachment below and get the information for us.


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my psu and its label. It's from the brand high power and the model is HP-500-A12S.

I am surprised that your PSU is even still going, that model is 9+ years old and of both poor quality and performance, labeled as having a 500W output when in fact when new it could only produce 432W (this confirmed on the label that you provided and on the PSU database) that is 18W below the minimum that is recommended for your video card, on top of this the card is not even Bronze efficiency rated + you have an additional storage device and a whole load of additional cooling fans for the PSU to try and power.

Swap in a known good brand of 500W PSU that is a minimum of Bronze efficiency rated and hope that the present PSU has not damaged one or more of your hardware components.
At the company in which I worked there was the same problem. Someone from the staff spoiled the system work in the local network, and on every computer in the office there was a similar problem. We managed to find out with the help of a SoftActivity that the employee, during his last session at the workplace, launched a virus into the local network, which terribly lowered the performance of the system, we had alredy solved that.
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