Solved PC problem again.

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PCHF Member
Mar 2, 2020

I have changed my power supply the other day, and the desktop work fine for a week.
Now it has gone back to the same problem which before I can login, the desktop suddenly turned off, then it turned on and off continuously.
As I cut the power source and restart it, suddenly there's nothing to see at the monitor.
The motherboard can handle the maximum capacity of 16G RAM memory. I bought two 8G RAM. Now I unplug 1 of it, and the PC turned on. Is it a coincidence?
Please provide information about your computer, is it a custom build or brand name such as Dell or HP, if a brand name, provide the model name or series number (not serial) if a custom build post the brand and model name or number for the CPU, MB, the RAM (including the amount) add on video card if one is used and the PSU (power supply unit) providing these details will enable folk to better assist you.
I have changed my power supply the other day,
Having changed the PSU you must have opened up the computer, yes, open up the computer and get the information off the MB.

What happened to the other information that was asked for?
It is impossible for us to help you if you do not provide us with all of the requested information!

post the brand and model name or number for the CPU, MB, the RAM (including the amount) add on video card if one is used and the PSU (power supply unit) providing these details will enable folk to better assist you.
We now have the MB information but can`t do anything with it until we have the information for the other parts, third time lucky, can we have the requested :)
OK, I hope I get it right

CPU: ASUS Desktop PC M52AD_M12AD_A_F_K31AD
Processor: Intel(R) Core (TM) i3-4170 CPU @3.70GHz
Added RAM: 2 sticks of DDR3 8GB
Windows: Windows 10
I do use a PSU 230v
Can we have the brand and model name or number of this PSU.

Downloading your user manual atm so while we look through it can you give us the exact PSU information and answer the other questions below.

Are you saying that the computer boots up and works normally if you only insert one of the two new 8GB sticks of RAM, if yes, see below;

Have you tried the other 8GB stick of RAM on its own to make sure that it is not a bad stick of RAM.

NB: Not sure why you said " Please don't close the thread." as no one was going to, I will ask though that you do not double post unless it is to add real important information, unnecessary double posting winds me up and wont get folk a reply any quicker.

Edit to add: User manual is totally useless, no content at all in the English version and the Slovakian version that did have content was also less than useless.

Is this your model of computer here
The PSU is Apple Green PS-500w-F8 V5.5

Yes I'm currently using just 1 stick, I haven't tried to use both since the incident.
The PSU is Apple Green PS-500w-F8 V5.5
Sorry to be so blunt but that PSU is of such poor quality that I wouldnt use it as a doorstop, labelled as being 500W but can only produce a maximum of 264W, get a better PSU asap or be prepared for a bang.

Have you tried the other 8GB stick of RAM on its own to make sure that it is not a bad stick of RAM.

Is this your model of computer here
You missed answering both of the above questions, if I need to ask for any further information more than once again you will be on your own I`m afraid.
You now know that you have two good sticks of RAM and the problem lays elsewhere and possibly one of the memory slots on the MB.

Which slot on the MB do you have the RAM in when the computer will work.

Have you tried the RAM one stick at a time in both slots on the MB as in one stick in DIMM A test then swap the same stick into DIMM B test, power down, remove the first stick of RAM and then repeat the test with the second stick of RAM being tested first in DIMM A and then DIMM B.
I find no problem when:
1. Stick B in DIMM A
2. Stick B in DIMM B
3. Stick A in DIMM A
4. Stick A in DIMM B
Looks like you are going to have to test both sticks of RAM separately by running Memtest 4 or 5 times and in both slots one at a time, this will take you a long time but needs must as atm there is no clue as to the cause, before I post the Memtest info can can you post a link to the same type of RAM that you purchased.
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