Pc crashes minutes into any game

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PCHF Member
Nov 17, 2020
I've wanted a decent computer for a while to play stuff like Crusader Kings or BG3 early access and so on, and with microsoft buying bethesda and very few console exclusive not getting a pc release, I thought I'd opt out of a ps5 and finally build one.

I didn't really know what I was doing, my experience with components and parts extends to a few articles and videos, and the guy at the store offered to build it for me for a fee.
Anyway, fast forward, and, games run very smoothly... until my computer just crashes and shuts down.

To take prior examples, the BG3 beta runs on ultra at about 40 fps, then crashes the computer in the first fight, I've also tried greedfall and Dragon age Inquisition and they run at a higher fps, but will just turn off the pc off randomly.

And it is 100% random, sometimes it'll coincide with an ingame explosion, sometimes it'll be panning the camera, sometimes just moving, even zooming into a face in character builder, which doesn't happen when I try it again, then the fans will go at a breakneck pace and the pc will shut down.

I'm running a 1060 6gbs, but the processor is horribly outdated, a i5-2500, that the guy assured would be fine and save money, but even then, it should just lag, right? And DAI is like 7 years old, the processor should still run it okay?

Other relevant specs, 500 watt psu, which I've read should be fine, the guy who built it has been spectacularly useless, he told me to run a gpu burner, which didn't crash the pc, and also to take the side off and then measure the heat when a game crashes, even though I've no idea what part is what.

The pc can also idle indeinitly without crashing.

Any insights?
Other relevant specs, 500 watt psu, which I've read should be fine,

Not all PSU brands are equal and while may are good there are just as many that are outright dangerous.

What is the brand and model name or number of the PSU.

Is this computer a Dell Optiplex 390.

Anyway, fast forward, and, games run very smoothly... until my computer just crashes and shuts down.

Software such as Windows can crash and when it does crash you get a BSOD and when enabled a crash dmp is generated.

Hardware failure such as a weak power supply and/or overheating are not software related and when a computer freezes or suddenly turns off or restarts the behaviour should be described as the "computer shut down unexpectedly" and not as having crashed as the latter implies a software issue as opposed to an obvious hardware issue when described properly.

Having the correct info means that helpers will not be looking for a software issue when the problem is clearly hardware related.

Do you get any BSOD or does the computer turn off completely.
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