Solved Overclocking RAM and CPU?

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Brandon Byrnes

PCHF Member
Jan 3, 2017
Hello, I'm pretty new when it comes to overclocking. I just built a pretty decent gaming/video editing rig, and I have a question about overclocking my system to get a little better performance out of it. For a CPU I have a AMD Ryzen 5 2600X and for RAM I have 16GB of Corsair Vengeance LPX 3000MHZ DDR4. I currently have my CPU overclocked to 4.05GHz and my RAM, I have no idea, it's showing a frequency of 2133 and a voltage of 1.4500, which is right below the red line voltage wise. My question is since I'm not really experienced with overclocking what is the safest max amount I can overclock both RAM and CPU? And also if my RAM is 3000Mhz then why is it only running at 2133?
Also I do have 4 system fans, two 120mm fans infront for intake, one 120mm in the back for exhaust and one 120mm on top above the CPU fan for exhaust, it looks like at the moment my system temp is 125 F.
Any help or info would be appreciated, thanks.
Oh and one more question, I bought my graphics card just for the fact I thought it would help with processing videos but it looks like when processing them it isn't even used, only my CPU is, so is that just because of the video editing software that I am using (maybe it's not made to utilize the graphics card) I'm using VideoPad.
I'll tag out of this.
I've never overclocked, just got that next level higher component you wanted to overclock instead.
I'll agree with Bruce, I never overclock anything, if the component doesn't do what is required go buy one that does.
Make sure you do your research and make sure the components you have are overclockable or designed to be overlocked.

I tried to overclock some ram a few years ago, and I couldn't get them stable. I'd get the BSOD constantly so I had to do defaults.
Hi Brandon. I would start with using your RAM's XMP profile that you can enable in the BIOS. If your RAM is stable, then you can increase the frequency of the CPU in 100 MHz intervals and test to see if the system is stable. Beyond that though I don't really see the point in overclocking as modern hardware is generally fast enough using the base frequency.
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sorry i totally forgot about this post. So When it comes to overclocking my cpu I do have it overclocked to 4200mhz via the MSI command center, but when i turn off my pc and resart it it goes back to it's base clock speed, but if I enable MSI OC Genie it stays overclocked with whatever thats set to. I also noticed that even though my RAM says right on the package 3000mhz its only actually running at 1066mhz, or atleast thats what cpuz is saying. But it is showing XMP for each at 1499mhz, so i'm going to go ahead and enable XMP as you suggested, hopefully I can find it in the bios. I'll update this in like 5 minutes.
okay so I enabled XMP and this is what it is showing afterwards, but I'm pretty sure nothing changed. Also once again after overclocking my cpu manually to a speed of 4050mhz and restarting it once again reverted back to its base clock spped, so for some reason its not keeping those setting, but then again after applying those settings its not asking me to restart to apply those settings either like when i use the OC Genie for overclocking it. I have been able to use it at 4.2Ghz and it is stable but for some reason that will not stick. It seems like it will only accept the OC Genie overclocking settings long term.View attachment 5520View attachment 5521View attachment 5520View attachment 5521
@Brandon Byrnes the attachments are dead links, try uploading them as a .jpg or .png. If that does not work maybe try uploading them to a hosting service like Imgur and post a link from there?
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